25 May 2018 - Wilker Ferreira Aziz: Seminar Title: Probabilistic modelling for NLP powered by deep learning Abstract: Deep generative models (DGMs) are probabilistic models parametrised by neural networks (NNs). DGMs combine the power of NNs with the generality of the probabilistic learning framework allowing a modeller to be more explicit about her statistical assumptions. To unlock this power however one must consider efficient ways to approach probabilistic inference. Amortised variational inference (Kingma and Welling, 2013; Mnih and Gregor, 2014) is a black-box technique where we see inference as a reverse modelling problem (from data to latent space) and have approximate posteriors parametrised by NNs. Parameter estimation works by back-propagation through stochastic computation graphs---which can be made efficient in circumstances where a certain reparametrisation of latent variables is available. I will start this talk by presenting amortised VI in order to set a common background for the rest of the talk. I will then present a number of DGMs I have developed with my collaborators at UvA to improve neural network models for natural language problems such as word representation and machine translation. For machine translation in particular, I will talk about making every component of an encoder-decoder architecture stochastic (i.e. encoder, attention mechanism, and decoder) and how that helps, for example, in low-resource scenarios. Bio: http://wilkeraziz.github.io Add to your calendar vCal iCal May 25 2018 11.00 - 12.30 25 May 2018 - Wilker Ferreira Aziz: Seminar ILCC seminar by Wilker Ferreira Aziz in IF 4.31/4.33 Informatics Forum 4.31/4.33 Contact
25 May 2018 - Wilker Ferreira Aziz: Seminar Title: Probabilistic modelling for NLP powered by deep learning Abstract: Deep generative models (DGMs) are probabilistic models parametrised by neural networks (NNs). DGMs combine the power of NNs with the generality of the probabilistic learning framework allowing a modeller to be more explicit about her statistical assumptions. To unlock this power however one must consider efficient ways to approach probabilistic inference. Amortised variational inference (Kingma and Welling, 2013; Mnih and Gregor, 2014) is a black-box technique where we see inference as a reverse modelling problem (from data to latent space) and have approximate posteriors parametrised by NNs. Parameter estimation works by back-propagation through stochastic computation graphs---which can be made efficient in circumstances where a certain reparametrisation of latent variables is available. I will start this talk by presenting amortised VI in order to set a common background for the rest of the talk. I will then present a number of DGMs I have developed with my collaborators at UvA to improve neural network models for natural language problems such as word representation and machine translation. For machine translation in particular, I will talk about making every component of an encoder-decoder architecture stochastic (i.e. encoder, attention mechanism, and decoder) and how that helps, for example, in low-resource scenarios. Bio: http://wilkeraziz.github.io Add to your calendar vCal iCal May 25 2018 11.00 - 12.30 25 May 2018 - Wilker Ferreira Aziz: Seminar ILCC seminar by Wilker Ferreira Aziz in IF 4.31/4.33 Informatics Forum 4.31/4.33 Contact
May 25 2018 11.00 - 12.30 25 May 2018 - Wilker Ferreira Aziz: Seminar ILCC seminar by Wilker Ferreira Aziz in IF 4.31/4.33