Friday, 21st March - 11am Dave Kirk : Seminar

Title: Speculative Alterity: Some considerations on design speculations across domains



In this talk I will discuss some of the recent work in my team which has utilised speculation as a design research method to populate and explore alternative worlds as objects of design research. The projects span several application areas across healthcare (monitoring symptoms for people living with Parkinson’s Disease), media use (working with communities to explore social media use) and civic engagement (collaborative futuring). Through the talk I will unpack and explore some notions of ‘speculative alterity’ and examine the value of speculation in HCI research. 



Dave Kirk (BSc, MSc, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS, FRSA) is Professor of Human-Centred Design and Director of Open Lab and the EPSRC Next Stage Digital Economy Centre for Digital Citizens, based in the School of Computing at Newcastle University. With a background in Psychology, Ergonomics and HCI, Dave’s work focuses on the design of interactive computational technologies and services. He is particularly interested in design research methods and the ways in which technology design can be centred on the rich understanding of user experiences, cultures and contexts. He has research interests in designing for smart environments, human-AI futures and digital living.