Congratulations (Dr.) Andreas Christou for a successful PhD Defence

Enhancing Gait Rehabilitation Using Robotic Assistance and Functional Electrical Stimulation

Congratulations to Andreas Christou for successfully passing his PhD viva on 30th September 2024. His thesis is entitled Enhancing Gait Rehabilitation Using Robotic Assistance and Functional Electrical Stimulation

Andreas Christou
Andreas Christou

Short lay summary:

Wearable robots and assistive exoskeletons have great potential as tools for rehabilitation and assisted living. By providing support to dedicated joints and body segments, these devices can foster the independence of people suffering from neurological diseases and improve quality of life. However, ensuring these devices respond appropriately to the unique needs of each patient is crucial, as it can play a decisive role in whether neural plasticity is induced. This is particularly challenging as patients suffering from stroke or incomplete spinal cord injury start regaining control of their limbs, where rigid robot-driven interventions are no longer adequate to facilitate recovery and more adaptive patient-driven interventions are required. This thesis delves into the integration of wearable robots in neurological gait rehabilitation, with a central focus on the design of personalised interventions for ambulatory patients. More specifically, this thesis explores methods for the optimisation of robotic controllers and collaborative functional electrical stimulation (FES) controllers, such that assistance can be provided as needed, to encourage the patients to use their residual strength and enhance the outcomes of robot-assisted neurorehabilitation.


Examiners were:

Professor Gordon Cheng (TUM - External)

Professor Kia Nazarpour (University of Edinburgh Internal).