EU HARMONY project 3rd General Assembly held 6-8 November 2023 in Lisbon Image HARMONY General Assembly The HARMONY Enhancing Healthcare with Assistive Robotic Mobile Manipulation project aims to develop assistive robotic mobile manipulation technologies for use in hospital environments. The project addresses both technical and social challenges of bringing robotic mobile manipulation technology into a healthcare setting. The HARMONY 3rd General Assembly took place in Lisbon, Portugal; hosted by IDMind 6-8 November 2023, bringing together the project team from seven different countries. The first day began with a tour of the IDMind facilities before focusing on detailed partner updates on progress with questions and discussions, and on day two we agreed plans for the Technical review, and discussed improving our impact. IDMind organised an outreach event “Can I help you? Exploring the future of service robots in healthcare” with invited guests from healthcare and industry engaging in conversations about service robots in healthcare. IDMind Tour HARMONY IDMind Image IDMind Image HARMONY team in Lisbon This article was published on 2024-12-08