SLMC in Japan, May 2024 A large number of the SLMC Group traveled to Yokohama, Japan to attend IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024, 13-17th May where we had a number of contributions to the conference, listed here: ICRA 2024 They also presented at a mini-symposium in collaboration with the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), in Kyoto, for discussing challenges and the latest developments on robot learning. Our host was one of leading human motor control researchers in the world, Prof. Mitsuo Kawato of ATR. In this symposium, we had the chance of hearing from many robot learning researchers at ATR as well as renowned international researchers, such as Prof. Jan Peters (TUD, Germany) and Prof Ales Ude (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia). The group were lucky to have time to explore Kyoto between work commitments. This article was published on 2024-12-08