Launch of two JST-UoE Moonshot Programme Research Projects

The University of Edinburgh and Japan Science & Technology (JST) Collaborative Moonshot Projects

We are delighted to announce the launch of our two projects directly contributing to the Goal 3 of the Japan Science and Technology (JST) Moonshot programme: Realisation of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050.

Hierarchical Motion Planning Framework for Realising Long-horizon Task

In this project, in collaboration with Waseda University in Japan and under the auspices of The Alan Turing Institute, we develop learning and motion planning methods for realising long-horizon tasks that are adaptable and generalisable to loco-manipulation with objects of different (latent) properties. The aim is to create robotic assitive technologies for the daily living that are much more versatile and adaptable while esuring safety. [Project Page]




Monitoring and Intervention in Neural Degeneration

In this project, in collaboration with the Anne Rowling Clinic @ UoE School of Medicine, Nagoya and Tokyo University in Japan and the Cajal Institute in Spain, we develop algorithms for early detection and finer progression monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases and address some of the symptoms in people with MS and PD using wearable sensors, AI and functional electrical stimulation (FES). [Project Page]



Further information

Moonshot Programme Goal 3