CDT NLP Management Team

Meet the team responsible for the delivery of the programme

Mirella Lapata
[scald=3844:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Picture of Mirella Lapata","caption":""}]
CDT President
Oversees scientific programme, primary contact for UKRI and External Advisory Board.
Ivan Titov
[scald=3842:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Picture of Ivan Titov","caption":""}]
CDT Director
Coordinates Recruitment/Selection of cohorts, Group Research Projects, Bayes Centre Liaison.

Bjorn Ross

[scald=5118:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Bjorn Ross","caption":""}]

CDT Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Champion; Student Support

Oversees E,D&I and provides support and guidance to students.

Frank Keller
[scald=3847:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Picture of Frank Keller","caption":""}]
CDT Training Coordinator
Oversees Taught component, Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) Champion.
Simon King
[scald=3846:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Picture of Simon King","caption":""}]
CDT Liaison to the School of PPLS
Oversees coordination with LEL for programme delivery and student recruitment, Oversees Public Engagement/Outreach.

Sally Galloway

[scald=3845:sdl_editor_representation {"alt":"Picture of Sally Galloway","caption":""}]
CDT Coordinator
Oversees delivery of programme and administration.




CDT NLP Executive Team

The Executive Team meets bi-monthly and comprises the CDT NLP Management Team +

Head of Informatics Student Services Neil Heatley  
Graduate School Manager Sophie Ramette CDT Portfolio Manager and leads on all the operational aspects of the CDT; responsible for all matters relating to the administrative operation of the Informatics Graduate School
Business Development Manager Ken Scott Coordinates industry investment, partnerships and events; assists with internships