Meet the CDT NLP's fifth cohort of Doctoral Researchers Iona Carslaw Research Interests: Generalised compositionality, low-resource machine translation, syntax (parasitic gaps, ergativity, wh-movement/wh-questions), computational modelling of natural language syntax, computational linguistics. Research Topic: Ergativity and Ditransitives Supervisors: Mark Steedman / Itamar Kastner / András Bárány Artemis Deligianni Research Interests: Hate speech, gender stereotypes, radicalisation, argument making and conversations Research Topic: Understanding misogyny in human interaction Supervisors: Zachary Horne / Martin Pickering Emily Gaughan Research Interests: Low resource language and speech processing, multilingual speech processing, ethical and sustainable NLP and human interaction with speech systems Research Topic: Modelling code-switching and language variation Supervisors: Peter Bell / Simon King Sivan Milton Research Interests: Knowledge representation; semantics/pragmatics; inference; SRL; cross-lingual NLP; machine translation Research Topic: Investigating Diathesis Alternations Supervisors: Mark Steedman / Frank Keller Nicolas Navarre Research Interests: Semantics of explanations for causal inference and reasoning; concept learning; programme induction Research Topic: Inferences, judgements, and explanations from causal representations and back Supervisors: Neil Bramley / Dan Lassiter Max Norris Research Interests: knowledge tracing algorithms and multimodal AI, investigating how enhanced knowledge representations can improve Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Research Topic: Safe and Responsible Applications of Large Language Models for use in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Supervisors: Kobi Gal / Henry Gouk Alice Ross Research Interests: User experiences and evaluations of realistic synthesised voices; speech technology in language acquisition and development; multimodal communication; AI ethics Research Topic: Inclusion matters when we speak to and through machines: exploring the experiences, attitudes, and concerns of people who have difficulty speaking Supervisors: Catherine Lai / Korin Richmond Ariadna Sanchez Cervera Research Interests: Deep learning for speech synthesis, specifically in the area of atypical speech Research Topic: Text-to-speech and voice repair in pathological speech: Application of methods originally developed for healthy speech Supervisors: Simon King / Korin Richmond Yi Wang Research Interests: multi-modal low-resource ASR or speech translation and multi-modal learning; has previously worked on automatic Alzheimer's disease detection and medical NLP Research Topic: Analysing Audio-visual Self-supervised Learned Speech Representations Supervisors: Peter Bell / Hao Tang Yu Zhao Research Interests: natural language generation; question answering and related knowledge-intensive NLP tasks; efficient NLP Research Topic: Optimising Language Model Pre-Training and Inference Efficiency Supervisors: Pasquale Minervini / Mirella Lapata This article was published on 2024-12-08