Dignity and Respect for all We value diversity and inclusiveness and believe that maximising the contribution of every individual enables us all. Whilst welcoming and supporting freedom of thought and expression, we also seek to embed a culture where all students and staff are treated with respect and feel safe and fulfilled within our community. We seek your support, as a CDT student, in ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion is championed throughout the programme. The CDT's EDI Champion, Dr Bjorn Ross, and CDT Coordinator, Sally Galloway, are key points of contact should you wish to get involved with current School ED&I initiatives, propose new initiatives or wish to raise any concerns. Be a Respect Champion! The University has a zero tolerance stance towards any form of bullying and harassment. The Respect at Edinburgh web hub has been created to bring together information and guidance on the Dignity & Respect policy, which is available through Respect at Edinburgh. CDT NLP students are requested to undertake the on-line course on Unconscious Bias to improve awareness: Unconscious Bias. E,D&I Monitoring Statistical monitoring of the CDT NLP student diversity profile is carried out by the CDT team annually. Specifically, we measure the following progress indicators in the CDT population: balance of gender, age, disability, and race. Through E,D&I surveys we collect information on student satisfaction with the working environment, overall School culture, CDT support structure, and the interaction with their supervisors and peers. Based on this data, our annual review identifies the CDT's success in achieving its E,D&I objectives and its contribution to promoting E,D&I in the wider School, University and research community. These reviews recommend additional actions and result in refinement of the CDT's E,D&I strategy. School of Informatics’ Equality and Diversity School of Informatics’ Athena SWAN Award Mirella Lapata, Director of CDT in NLP Women in Computing This article was published on 2024-12-08