Taking research out into the broader community CDT NLP research will reach as wide an audience as possible. In addition to their research being published in presitigous journals, the students will also engage directly with the broader community through outreach activities, either initiated by their School or themselves. Ideas for public engagement include: Participating in festivals Working with museums / galleries / science centres and other cultural venues Creating opportunities for the public to inform the research questions being tackled Researchers and public working together to inform policy Presenting to the public (e.g. public lectures or talks) Involving the public as researchers (e.g. web based experiments) Engaging with young people to inspire them about research (e.g. workshops in schools) Contributing to new media enabled discussion forums. Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research Information on School Open Access and publications policy, including information on support and the different open access policies is available here. School Open Access View CDT NLP Outputs An accessible alternative (= Word document) of Outputs is available by contacting: cdt-nlp-info@ed.ac.uk UKRI CDT in Natural Language Processing — University of Edinburgh Research Explorer This article was published on 2024-12-08