Alex gave a talk on fluorescence spectroscopy in Miami Alex (A. Adams, PhD Student), flown in with help from Hurricane Ian (!), delivered a talk at the World Molecular Imaging Congress in Miami, presenting our work on fluorescence spectroscopy modelling. The presentation discussed MuFLE, a novel model we’ve implemented to better understand spectroscopy data. We show that MuFLE can reliably unmix individual fluorophores in a heterogeneous sample, providing enhanced insights into the ratios of multiple probes within a sample. In addition, MuFLE will allow better discrimination of endogenous fluorophores. This is particularly relevant in disease where individual fluorophore detection will enable differentiation of the underlying fluorophores originating from metabolically differentiated targets such as malignant, benign and healthy tissue. We’re really excited about this line of research – watch this space! WMIC 2022 [external link] Written by Alex Image Alex giving her talk at the conference This article was published on 2024-11-22