Summer School Session: Machine Learning Overview

Sohan and Karthik delivered a summer school session on machine learning fundamentals

Sohan (S. Seth, Lead Data Scientist) and Karthik (K. Mohan, Data Scientist) delivered a session titled Machine Learning Overview, as part of the  SGSSS summer school lecture series at the Queen Margaret University main campus, Musselburgh. Topics covered included fundamentals of machine learning theory, from data exploration through supervised and unsupervised learning methods. The lecture, which lasted 3 hours, also included the implementation of selected methods in R, establishing an idea of a data science project workflow.

The contents of this session will be part of a broader, more intensive data science course which is being designed by the Data Science Unit.

For more information, visit:

SGSSS Summer School [External Link]

Data Science Course [Internal Link]

Written by Karthik