A list of groups and organisations we are affiliated with. Research Groups UoE CSPRN, the University of Edinburgh Cyber Security & Privacy Research Network. SICSA Cyber Security theme, the interest group within the SICSA Scottish University network. Constructive Security Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge Translational Research Scotland's Innovation Centres offer ways for industry, public sector and academia to partner to develop and trial new technologies. Projects may include aspects that have security or privacy requirements, or may be new solutions that introduce new security or privacy-preserving products into the marketplace. The Digital Health Institute is an innovation centre for developing new technologies based on mobile, social media and sensor technology. The Data Lab is an innovation centre for collaborations between academia, industry and public sector, applying data science and analytics. CENSIS is a centre of excellence for Sensor and Imaging Systems (SIS) technologies and enables leading industry innovators and world-class university researchers to collaborate at the forefront of market-focused SIS innovation. Industry Informatics Ventures Informatics Ventures is a knowledge exchange program that runs across the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA) and helps foster innovation and entrepreneurship within start-up and spin-out companies and develops strong relationships between Industry and Academia. Intel Security Intel Security is a dedicated security technology company, delivering solutions and services that help secure systems and networks around the world. McAfee, which became part of Intel Security, has been a collaborator on the App Guarden project. SecureWorks SecureWorks is a global information security service company, protecting its customers' computers, networks and information assets from malicious activity such as cybercrime. SecureWorks has an office located in Edinburgh and is engaging with the University of Edinburgh on data science research topics. ARM ARM is the world's leading seminconductor IP company, licensing its design for use in billions of chips used in smartphones, tablets, enterprise infrastructure and the Internet of Things. University of Edinburgh houses the ARM Centre of Excellence and is collaborating on Formal Verification research to establish security properties of some of its new designs. OWASP Scotland The OWASP Foundation is a professional association of global members and is and open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. The Scotland chapter is run independently and often has meetings in the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics. Contemplate A local spin-out company, Contemplate provides a static analysis tool ThreadSafe for Java programs, which helps avoid security flaws due to bugs in concurrent software. This article was published on 2024-11-22