2nd ELLIS NLP workshop - July 2021

2nd ELLIS NLP Workshop.


The second ELLIS NLP workshop was organized on July 30, 2021. The workshop had more than 100 registered participants, and included invited talks by Raquel Fernandez (U Amsterdam), Graham Neubig (CMU), Barbara Plank (ITU Copenhagen), Stefan Riezler (U Heidelberg), and Thomas Wolf (HuggingFace), as well as poster and break-out sessions.  The event was organized by Iryna Gurevich (TU Darmstadt), Andre Martins (IST Lisbon) and Ivan Titov (deputy director of Edinburgh ELLIS unit). 

More information about the workshop:  https://sites.google.com/view/ellis-nlp2021-2nd/

Recordings of all the talks:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQJXqWiuu8hBLN5IJEY_eBQ/playlists