ICSA Colloquium - Dr. Mahdi Jelodari (University of Manchester)


Elastic Circuits in the Clouds


Elasticity has emerged as a dynamic property that implies flexibility in adapting resources, communication or timing in different areas of computer architecture. For instance, capability of the clouds in scheduling the resources based on the enquiries is a common example. Elasticity in digital circuits is referred to the flexibility against environmental dynamics such as process variation or ageing which may violate timing of the functional units or higher level non-deterministic behaviour raised from interactions with the memory system. There are always costs associated with implementing elasticity which may vary based on several factors. In distributed computing an advanced protocol is necessary to determine the user response times and, accordingly, reschedule the routing and resource allocation. Similarly, in digital circuits handshake protocols are leveraged to realise elasticity which requires special control circuitry to realise the interlocks between stages. Additional circuitry may impose prohibitive impact on power and performance; Therefore elasticity has to be inserted with careful consideration to minimise the unnecessary costs. In this talk I will describe an efficient way of producing elastic circuits and exploiting them in the FPGA based clouds toward service acceleration.  


Mahdi received a B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran, in Feb 2012, and a Ph.D. degree in computer science on high-level synthesis in Feb 2016 from the University of Manchester, UK. Currently, he is involved in taking his PhD research to the next step under his EPSRC doctoral prize fellowship. In this respect, he has co-founded Reconfigure.io Ltd which is aiming at accelerating concurrent programs in the FPGA based clouds. In 2015, his contribution on high level synthesis of elasticity won the Best DATE IP award. He's also been a member of IEEE since 2010.