Past events

Past events related to the Institute for Computing Systems Architecture.

Prof. Trevor Carlson (National University of Singapore)

Prof Chris Sotiriou (University of Thessaly)

Christina Giannoula (University of Toronto)

Wei Xu (Senior Research Manager @ ByteDance Applied ML, California/Seattle)

Prof. Michael Swift (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Martin Decky (Kernkonzept GmbH)

Haiyu Mao (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Carl Yang (Emory University, Atlanta GA)

Arkaprava Basu (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)

Thomas Koehler (INRIA, Strathbourgh)

Rodrigo Bruno (University of Lisbon)

Gordon Brebner (Senior Fellow, AMD)

Sumit Kumar Mandal (Indian Institute of Science)

Vilas Sridharan (AMD Senior Fellow)

Dr. Zhenyu Yan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Bozidar Radunovic (Microsoft)

(Dr. Abhishek Bichhawat) Discipline of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Gandhinagar, India

Cristian Cedar (Imperial College London)

Pankaj Mehra (President and CEO of Elephance Memory)

Haris Volos, Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus

Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem (Queen Mary University, London)

Somdip Dey (University of Essex)

Pierre Olivier, University of Manchester (Computer Science Department)

Dr Ian Levy OBE, Technical Director of the National Cyber Security Centre

Chris Fletcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Xenofon Foukas - Microsoft

Dmitrii Ustiugov (Edinburgh) and Amariucai Theodor (ETH)

Eiko Yoneki (University of Cambridge)

Reto Achermann (University of British Columbia)

Lluís Vilanova (Imperial)

Shivaram Venkataraman (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Johannes Doerfert (Argonne National Laboratory)


Lukas Rupprecht (IMB Research)

Thomas Grocutt (ARM Reasearch)

Jana Giceva (Technical University Munich)

Ross Anderson (Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University)


Adam Bates (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Fred Chong - University of Chicago

Antonio Barbalace

Paul Kelly (Software Performance Optimisation Group at Imperial College London)

Markulf Kohlweiss

Dr. Arjuna Sathiaseelan (GAIUS Networks Inc.)

Hyeji Kim (Samsung AI Research)

Prof. Samira Khan (The University of Virginia)

Alex Breslow (AMD)

Thomas Heinis (Imperial College London)

Prof Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge)

Dr Gabriel Loh (AMD Research)

Milos Nikolic & Tariq Elahi

Dr Cigdem Sengul (Nominet)

Michael O'Boyle

Peter Hsu (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)

Francesco Gringoli, (University of Brescia)

Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge)

Christophe Dubach

Margaret Martonosi - Princeton University

Toni Collis - Chair and Co-Founder of Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC)

Prof Cecilia Mascolo - University of Cambridge

Dr. Thomas Pasquier (University of Cambridge)

Daniel A. Jiménez is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University

Zheng (Eddy) Zhang is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Rutgers University.

Privacy in mobile phone trajectory data: indistinguishability and uninformativeness by Marco Fiore (CNR, Italy)

Non-Speculative Load-Load Reordering in TSO

The ICSA sessions offer a regular opportunity for ICSA members and friends to get together and chat in an informal environment.