PPar CDT student and supervisors paper has been accepted at ISSTA 2017. Congratulations to PPar CDT student Vanya Yaneva, with supervisors Ajitha Rajan and Christophe Dubach, whose paper 'Compiler Assisted Test Acceleration on GPUs for Embedded Software' has been accepted at The International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2017. The ISSTA is the top conference in software testing. Short abstract In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time, how test executions of embedded C programs can be automatically performed on a GPU, without involving the end user. We take a compiler-assisted approach which automatically compiles the C program into GPU kernels for parallel execution of the input tests. Using this technique, we achieve an average speedup of 16x when compared to CPU execution of input tests across nine programs from an industry standard embedded benchmark suite. This article was published on 2024-11-22