LFCS Seminars

LFCS Seminar Summary

LFCS Seminars by Visiting Speakers

The LFCS organises a series of seminars by visiting speakers, covering a range of topics in theoretical computer science. Speakers in this series are asked to present talks suitable for the entire membership of LFCS, rather than only researchers in their field. These seminars are open to all and are usually held on Tuesday afternoons during term time, from 4-5pm in the Informatics Forum. The seminars are publicised on the lfcs-interest and seminars mailing lists. 

The seminar organiser is Ohad Kammar.  Please contact the organiser with suggestions for future speakers.

List of seminars

List of seminars

List of seminars

List of seminars

List of seminars

List of seminars

List of Seminars

List of seminars