LFCS Lab Lunch

A weekly informal gathering of LFCS students and staff.

Lab Lunch is the weekly informal gathering of LFCS students and staff. It usually features a talk of about 20 to 30 minutes by a member or visitor, but it may also feature other activities.  Biscuits are provided and attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch. 

Attendees gather Tuesdays at 1:00pm in the Informatics Forum on level 4 Room 4.40 (Miniforum 2) to talk and discuss current events. The talk and other comments are made starting 1:10pm. The lab lunch happens every week except the first week of the month, when there is an LFCS staff meeting. 

More information can be found in the links below.




The schedule of lab lunches for academic year 2022-23

Prepare a talk for broad audience. Send your title and abstract in the week before your talk.

Details for the lab lunch events from previous years.

LFCS Lab lunches - history and focus