When to contact speakers, announce abstracts. How to set up for a lab lunch. Lab lunches are organised by PhD Students (usually around 2nd year, but may be different sometimes). Each student is responsible for a few weeks at some point in their studies. As an organiser, your tasks are to announce the talk abstract and help set up the talk on the day. That's it! In a bit more detail, here are the steps for each week: Before a lab lunch: Check the speakers/contacts for the days you are responsible for in the current year's schedule at LFCS Lab Lunch. Keep notes to do the following steps in time (Use your calendar). 3 weeks before a lab lunch, contact the speaker/contact and remind them that the talk is coming up and you will be in touch for an abstract. Point them to the speaker information at LFCS Lab Lunch. If you need to find their email, check informatics people. Talk to the organisers before you (see the schedule) and go with them to a lab lunch and see how the setup is done. 1 Week before the lab lunch, email again to ask for an abstract. On the Thursday before the lab lunch, send an email to lfcs-members with the title and abstract. (see previous announcements your have received for the format). Include the current online attendance link and a link to LFCS Lab Lunch. On the day of lab lunch: Buy some biscuits. At lab lunch, we usually have a 3-4 plates of biscuits around MF2 for people to chomp on! In the morning, send a reminder for the lab lunch to lfcs-members Go to Institutes admin (IF 1.33) and collect the microphone and adapters as required. Be at MF2 by 12:45 with the equipment. Help the speaker set up. Lay out the biscuits. After the lab lunch: Return the equipment to institutes-admin. Ask him how to claim reimbursements for the biscuits. (best to do it at one go after all your lab lunch organisations are done.) This article was published on 2024-12-08