LFCS Seminar: 12 September 2018 - Carl Hewitt

Title: Scalable Intelligent Systems by 2025


A project to build the technology stack outlined in this seminar can bring Scalable Intelligent Systems to fruition by 2025. Scalable Intelligent Systems include the following characteristics:

- Interactively acquire and present information from video, web pages, hologlasses, online data bases, sensors, articles, human speech and gestures, etc.

- Real-time integration of massive, pervasively inconsistent information

- Close human collaboration using hologlasses for secure mobile interaction.

- Organizations of people and IoT devices (Citadels) for trustworthiness, resilience, and performance with no single point of failure

- Scalability in all important dimensions including no hard barriers to continual improvement in the above areas.


There is no computer-only solution that can implement the above, i.e., people are fundamental to a Scalable Intelligent System. Technology stack for Scalable Intelligent Systems is outlined below:

- Experiences: Hologlasses: Collaboration, Gestures, Animations, Video

- Matrix: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Narration

- Citadels: No single point of failure

- Massive Inconsistency Robust Ontology: Propositions, Goals, Plans, Descriptions, Statistics, Narratives

- Actor Services: Hardware and Software

- Actor Many Cores: Non-sequential, Every-word-tagged, Faraday cage Crypto, Stacked Carbon Nanotube