LFCS Seminar: 5 October 2018 - Wang-Chiew Tan

Title: Enabling search by experience


Today's online shopping systems enable consumers to sift through vast amount of information by manipulating combinations of predefined filters. These filters, such as travel dates, price range, and location, are objective attributes that lead to an indisputable set of answers. However, we show that users' search criteria are often subjective and experientially expressed. Hence, to provide consumers with an enhanced search experience, online shopping systems should directly support both subjective and objective search. I will describe how this is done in the experiential search engine that we are currently developing at Megagon Labs; by harnessing information"outside the box", in the text of online reviews or social media, views, and interpreting subjective queries. Wang-Chiew Tan leads the research efforts at Megagon Labs. Prior tojoining Megagon Labs, she was a professor of Computer Science at University of California, Santa Cruz. She received her B.Sc. (First Class) in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore and her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania  (advised by Peter Buneman and Sanjeev Khanna). Her research interests include data provenance, data integration, and very recently, natural language processing.