LFCS Seminars: 4 September 2018 - Juan Sequeda Title: Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities Abstract: An early vision in Computer Science has been to create intelligent systems capable of reasoning on large amounts of data. Today, this vision can be delivered by integrating Relational Databases with the Semantic Web using the W3C standards: a graph data model (RDF), ontology language (OWL), mapping language (R2RML) and query language (SPARQL). The research community has successfully been showing how intelligent systems can be created with Semantic Web technologies, dubbed now as Knowledge Graphs. However, where is the mainstream industry adoption? What are the barriers to adoption? Are these engineering and social barriers or are they open scientific problems that need to be addressed? This talk will chronicle our journey of deploying Semantic Web technologies with real world users to address Business Intelligence and Data Integration needs, describe technical and social obstacles that are present in large organizations, and scientific and engineering challenges that require attention. Bio: Juan F. Sequeda is the co-founder of Capsenta, a spin-off from his research, and the Senior Director of Capsenta Labs. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are on the intersection of Logic and Data and in particular between the Semantic Web and Relational Databases for data integration, ontology based data integration and semantic/graph data management. Juan is the recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, received 2nd Place in the 2013 Semantic Web Challenge for his work on ConstituteProject.org, Best Student Research Paper at the 2014 International Semantic Web Conference and the 2015 Best Transfer and Innovation Project awarded by Institute for Applied Informatics. Juan has been the General Chair of 2018 Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Databases (AMW2018), PC chair of the ISWC 2017 In-Use track, is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics and member of multiple program committees (ISWC, ESWC, WWW, AAAI, IJCAI). Juan is a member of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) Graph Query Languagestask force and has also been an invited expert and standards editor at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Sep 04 2018 14.00 - 16.00 LFCS Seminars: 4 September 2018 - Juan Sequeda Speaker: Juan Sequeda IF 4.31/4.33
LFCS Seminars: 4 September 2018 - Juan Sequeda Title: Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities Abstract: An early vision in Computer Science has been to create intelligent systems capable of reasoning on large amounts of data. Today, this vision can be delivered by integrating Relational Databases with the Semantic Web using the W3C standards: a graph data model (RDF), ontology language (OWL), mapping language (R2RML) and query language (SPARQL). The research community has successfully been showing how intelligent systems can be created with Semantic Web technologies, dubbed now as Knowledge Graphs. However, where is the mainstream industry adoption? What are the barriers to adoption? Are these engineering and social barriers or are they open scientific problems that need to be addressed? This talk will chronicle our journey of deploying Semantic Web technologies with real world users to address Business Intelligence and Data Integration needs, describe technical and social obstacles that are present in large organizations, and scientific and engineering challenges that require attention. Bio: Juan F. Sequeda is the co-founder of Capsenta, a spin-off from his research, and the Senior Director of Capsenta Labs. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are on the intersection of Logic and Data and in particular between the Semantic Web and Relational Databases for data integration, ontology based data integration and semantic/graph data management. Juan is the recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, received 2nd Place in the 2013 Semantic Web Challenge for his work on ConstituteProject.org, Best Student Research Paper at the 2014 International Semantic Web Conference and the 2015 Best Transfer and Innovation Project awarded by Institute for Applied Informatics. Juan has been the General Chair of 2018 Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Databases (AMW2018), PC chair of the ISWC 2017 In-Use track, is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics and member of multiple program committees (ISWC, ESWC, WWW, AAAI, IJCAI). Juan is a member of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) Graph Query Languagestask force and has also been an invited expert and standards editor at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Sep 04 2018 14.00 - 16.00 LFCS Seminars: 4 September 2018 - Juan Sequeda Speaker: Juan Sequeda IF 4.31/4.33