Our Centre for Doctoral Training stands at the intersection of AI, biomedicine and social sciences. The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence grows from the realisation that AI technologies will play a central role leveraging data to transform our understanding and practice of biomedicine. Delivering such a step change will require training a new cadre of scientists operating at the intersection of computer science and biomedicine, building AI systems which are effective, ethical and empowering to scientists and users alike. Between 2019 and 2024, the CDT will recruit at least 60 students who will embark on 4-year interdisciplinary training programme covering technical AI skills, biomedical foundations and social aspects of Biomedical AI. In Year 1 students work towards a Master by Research, undertaking a number of taught courses and taster research projects to broaden and refine their skills and explore different research areas. In Year 2-4 students develop and pursue an interdisciplinary PhD project. Studentships are fully funded for 4 years and offer generous allowance for travel and research costs, as well as disability allowance and other benefits. The CDT in Biomedical AI builds on a long history of collaboration between several centres of excellence within the University: School of Informatics School of Biological Sciences Institute of Genetics and Cancer Usher Institute of Population Health Science and Informatics School of Social and Political Sciences Together, these institutes provide a unique breadth and depth of expertise, as well as state-of-the-art computational and experimental facilities, to support the CDT cohorts. Additionally, leading clinical, industrial and international academic partners will provide students with opportunities for hands-on application in a broad variety of contexts. Why biomedical AI? Delivering healthcare that meets the needs of a growing and ageing population is a defining scientific and social challenge for the twenty-first century. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion The CDT in Biomedical AI is committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible environment where everybody feels supported and respected. Outputs Publications, talks, public engagement activities and other outputs generated by the CDT students. Participating institutes University of Edinburgh has a long-standing reputation for excellence across the spectrum of disciplines related to biomedical AI. This article was published on 2024-11-22