
Students will benefit from a large pool of over 100 potential supervisors with a world-leading track record of interdisciplinary research.

Such a large faculty will ensure that all areas of expertise needed for biomedical AI are covered, and provides ample capacity to provide joint supervision to all CDT students. Our faculty is drawn from across all of the participating institutes, spanning all three Colleges in the University, and collectively provides a breadth and a depth of research expertise that few institutions worldwide, if any, can match. Beyond the participating institutes, additional supervisory capacity will be offered by the University's Schools of Mathematics (SoM) and Engineering (SoE), as well as by clinicians and industrial researchers among our external partners.

Main areas of research strength across our faculty

Machine learning and statistical methodology
Dynamical and computational modelling
AI systems
Image analysis and computer vision
Signalling and anti-microbial resistance
Genomics and epigenomics
Population health and acute care
Cancer biology and epidemiology
  • Heather Whalley (Division of Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences)
  • Andrew McIntosh (Division of Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences)
Regenerative medicine
Responsible innovation