Applicant Information Sessions

Information session recording

A recording of the applicant information session which took place online on 13/11/2024 is available to view below. The session consists of two parts:

  1. 00:00-00:14: Presentation of the CDT by Director Amos Storkey covering what is a PhD, what is a CDT, the MLSystems remit, the MLSystems programme structure and funding available, what to expect and the overall environment of Informatics PhD studies in the University of Edinburgh
  2. 00:14-28:38: Details of the application and selection process by CDT Manager Stephanie Robin covering eligibility and entry requirements, application material and steps, EDI and Widening Participation measures, selection process and timing and tips

This video is a recording of an online session for prospective applicants to the CDT in Machine Learning Systems. CDT Director Amos Storkey introduces the CDT and CDT Manager Stephanie Robin goes through the details of the CDT application and selection process.

Slides from the presentation are also available below:
CDT MLSystems Presentation (3.35 MB / PDF)