Browse the supervisors related to our CDT in Machine Learning Systems here. Click their names to navigate to their personal websites. The supervisors are grouped into six research areas:Computer Systems and Hardware for MLML Methods, Architectures and DeploymentProgramming Languages and Database for MLTrustworthiness, Ethics, Safety, Security and PrivacyNatural Language Processing and Speech SystemsAutonomous and Multi-Agent ML SystemsThe below list is not exhaustive. Supervisors can also be nominated in other University of Edinburgh schools such as Engineering and Mathematics as long as the research topic fits within the CDT remit. In that case, a co-supervisor in Informatics will need identified at offer stage. Computer Systems and Hardware for ML Name TitleResearchLuo Mai Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Data Centric Systemsintersection of computer systems, machine learning, and data managementMichael O’Boyle Professor and Personal Chair in Computer Scienceheterogeneous code discovery and Optimisation, neural machine translation and neural synthesis, deep neural network system stack, software defined hardware, auto-parallelising compilers, GPGPU multi-core platforms, machine learning based optimisation, compiler/architecure co-design space exploration, very high level programming languagesAjitha Rajan Professor and Personal Chair of Software Testing and Verificationautomated software testing techniques, biomedical artificial intelligencePaul Patras Professor and Personal Chair of Mobile Intelligencemobile intelligence, network traffic analytics, performance optimisation, security and privacy, explainability, bridging fundamental mathematical models and real-world applications of networked systemsMahesh Marina Professor and Personal Chair of Networked Systemsnetworked systems (wireless networks, mobile/edge systems), loud service assurance, edge computing, sustainable computing and networking, machine learning systems and quantum systemsBjoern Franke Professor and Personal Chair of Software Transformationsoftware transformation, dynamic program analysis and transformation, just-in-Time Compilation, code generation and optimisation, instruction set simulation, hardware/software design space explorationAmir Shaikha Reader (Associate Professor)design and implementation of data-analytics systemsAntonio Barbalace Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Operating Systemssystem software, specifically, operating systems, virtualisation environments, run-times/compilers/linkers for parallel, heterogeneous and distributed computer architectures from embedded to data-center scaleMichio Honda Reader (Associate Professor)identifying TCP extensibility against middlebox interference and building the first TCP/IP network stack for persistent memory, (currently) network stack designsNigel Topham Professor and Chair of Computer Systemscomputer architecture, development of next-generation microarchitectures for high-performance embedded systems, (currently) automated synthesis of processors, interactions between the synthesis of architecture, microarchitecture, and physical design.Murray Cole Professor and Personal Chair of Patterned Parallel Computingparallel programming models, emphasising approaches which exploit skeletons to package and optimize well known patterns of computation and interaction as parallel programming abstractionsJianyi Cheng Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computer Architecturehigh-level synthesis, formal methods, deep learning systems, hardware securityJackson Woodruff Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Compiling Techniquescompilers for hardware accelerators Back to the top ML Methods, Architectures and Deployment Name titleresearchAmos Storkey Professor and Personal Chair of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligencemachine learning methods, generative models and generative AI, machine learning and deep learning methodology, model understanding and efficiencyAntonio Vergari Reader (Associate Professor)efficient inference with guarantees, complex probabilistic queries, automating probabilistic Machine LearningHenry Gouk Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Machine Learningartificial intelligence engineeringMichael Gutmann Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Machine Learningmethods for (Bayesian) inference and designAntonio Attili Lecturer in Computational Reactive FlowsTurbulence and combustion, soot formation in flames, aerosols, combustion instabilities, rocket propulsion, numerical methods, and massively parallel computing. Big-data analysis and applying machine learning and generative AI to fluid mechanicsHakan Bilen Reader (Associate Professor)computer visionOisin Mac Aodha Reader (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning(currently) computer vision and machine learning, with an specific emphasis on 3D understanding, human-in-the-loop methods, and AI for conservation and biodiversity monitoringLaura Sevilla Reader (Associate Professor)visual world in motionElliot Crowley Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Electronics and Electrical Engineeringsimplifying machine learning, AutoML (neural architecture search), efficient network training, low-resource deep learning, engineering applications of machine learningTimothy Hospedales Professor in Artificial Intelligenceefficient and robust AI, meta-learning, lifelong transfer-learning in both probabilistic and deep learning contextsNikolay Malkin Chancellor's Fellow in AI and Data Sciencedeep-learning-based reasoning (Machine learning for generative models, NLP and reasoning in language, computer vision)Changjian Li Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Graphics, Simulation and Visual Computing3D Shape Creation and Analysis, applications in sketch-based modeling, shape reconstruction and analysis from point clouds, and medical image processing and modelingViacheslav Boroditsky Incoming Lecturer (Tenured Assistant Professor) in Machine Learninggeometric learning, uncertainty quantification, harmonic analysisAmir Vaxman Reader in Graphics, Simulation and Visual Computinggeometry processing, discrete differential geometry, focusing on directional-field design, unconventional meshes, constrained shape spaces, architectural geometry, and medical applicationsFengxiang He Lecturer in AI Driven Business Informatics and Financial Comtrustworthy AI, deep learning theory and explainability, theory of decentralised learning, privacy in machine learning, symmetry in machine learning, learning theory in game-theoretical problems, and their applications in economicsHe Sun Readeralgorithmic spectral graph theory, unsupervised learning, computational geometry, and randomised algorithmsWenda Li Lecturer in Hybrid AIneuro-symbolic reasoning, AI for math, machine learning for theorem proving, mechanised mathematicsSteven McDonagh Senior Lecturer in AI and Computer Vision for Healthcomputer vision, machine learning and medical image analysis. multi-modal, multi-task learning and medical imaging applications Back to the top Programming Languages and Database for ML Name TitleResearchGordon Plotkin Professor (Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science)structural operational semantics (SOS), denotational semantics, theoretical computer scienceJane Hillston Professor and Personal Chair in Quantitative Modellingquantitative modelling, stochastic process algebrasPhil Wadler Professor and Chair of Theoretical Computer Scienceconcurrency, programming language design, type theory, logic and programming, Agda, blame, XML, Java, functional languages Rob Van Glabbeek Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Personal Chair in Computer Sciencecomparative concurrency semantics. Mathematical models and formal languages for the representation of distributed systems and the verification of statements about themOhad Kammar Royal Society University Senior Research Fellowapplied mathematics, programming language theory, computational effects, domain theory, probabilistic programming, concurrency, access control, staging and metaprogramming, conceptual biologyJames Cheney Professor and Personal Chair of Programming Languages and Systemsdatabases and data provenance, programming languages and compilers, generic programming, logic and automated theorem proving,compression and information theory,XML and related technologiesElizabeth Polgreen Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Programming Languages for Trustworthy Systemsformal program synthesis techniques and the use of synthesis to increase the scalability of verificationLeonid Libkin Professor and Chair of Foundations of Data Managementdatabases, logic in computer science, logic in finite model theory, logic in automata theoryYang Cao Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Database SystemsIn-database model explanation, transactional caching, transaction scheduling, graph transactionsquery optimisation under constraints, bounded evaluation, approximate query processing, graph computing frameworks, graph pattern matching,data qualityWenfei Fan Professor and Personal Chair in Web Data Managementdatabase theory and systemsMilos Nikolic Lecturer in Database Systemsdatabases, large-scale data management systems, in-database learning, stream processing, incremental computation, query compilation Back to the top Trustworthiness, Ethics, Safety, Security and Privacy Name TitleResearchRam Ramamoorthy Professor and Personal Chair of Robot Learning and Autonomyrobotics and machine learning. learning, adaptation and control mechanisms to enable autonomous robots to cope with the uncertain and the unknown, and for them to be effective in human-AI teamsAdriana Sejfia Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Software Engineeringsoftware engineering, programme analysis and machine learning for securityJingjie Li Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Systems Securityuser-centric security and privacy control, measuring human behavior and digital risks, efficient human-machine interfaceAggelos Kiayias Professor and Chair in Cyber Security and Privacycomputer security, information security, applied cryptography, foundations of cryptography, blockchain technologies, distributed systems, e-voting, secure multiparty protocols, privacy and identity managementMarkulf Kohlweiss Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Security and Privacyformal verification, foundations of cryptography and applied cryptography, privacy-enhancing protocols, blockchains, crypto-currencies, formal verification of protocol implementationsSusan Lechelt Lecturer in Design Informaticshuman-computer interaction, interaction design. Themes of data literacy, creativity, playfulness, sustainability, and responsible innovation Chris Heunen Professor and Chair of Quantum Programmingquantum theory, quantum machine learning, quantum programming and semanticsDavid Aspinall Professor and Personal Chair in Software Safety and Securitysoftware security, user authentication, theorem proving, programming and specification languagesTiejun Ma Professor and Personal Chair of Financial Computing (Risk Modelling)financial computing, risk modellingTariq Elahi Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Security and the Internet of ThingsPrivacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), anonymous communication networks, data-driven privacy systems engineeringMarc Juarez Miro Lecturer in Cyber Security and Privacycyber security and privacy, ML-based traffic analysis, security and privacy of ML, algorithmic biasDaniel Woods Lecturer in Cyber Securitycyber security, cyber insurance, digital risk management, cyber risk quantification, incident response, how the legal system impacts cybersecurity, privacy preference signals, 0-Day exploit brokers and pricesJacques Fleuriot Professor and Personal Chair of Artificial IntelligenceAI Modelling, interactive theorem proving, formal verification, process modelling, and AI/machine learning applied to health/care, medicine and other complex domainsRik Sarkar ReaderML and optimisation algorithms.Privacy, fairness, and Explainability.GenAI and artificial data. topological data analysis, topology in ML, Network Analysis and graph machine learning, AI for Biomedical Engineering (diagnostics, interpretability, molecule design)Craig Innes Chancellor's Fellowsafety, trustworthiness, and risk for cyber-physical systemsMichele Ciampi Chancellor's Fellowtheory of cryptography, zero-Knowledge proofs, multi-party computation protocols and BlockchainNadin Kokciyan Lecturer in Artificial IntelligenceMultiagent Systems, Agreement Technologies (Argumentation and Negotiation), Privacy in Social Software, AI Ethics, Explainable AI, Responsible AI Back to the top Natural Language Processing and Speech Systems Name TitleResearchMirella Lapata Professor and Personal Chair in Natural Language Processingprobabilistic learning techniques for natural language understanding and generation, extracting semantic information from large volumes of textIvan Titov Professor and Personal Chair of Natural Language Processingnatural language understanding (question answering, information extraction, and semantic parsing), improving generalization across tasks and data distributions, interpretability and controllability of deep learning modelsSimon King Professor and Personal Chair of Speech Processingbasic building blocks of speech: speech recognition (new acoustic models, multilingual systems), speech synthesis (unit selection methods, HMM-based speech synthesis, multilingual systems)Peter Bell Professor and Personal Chair of Speech Technologyautomatic speech recognition and understanding (cross-domain and cross-lingual adaptation, efficient alignment, search and decoding on audio data, training methods for ASR, end-to-end and raw-waveform methods, ASR systems for minority or under-resourced languages, speech representation learning, audio-visual speech recognition and enhancement)Mark Steedman Professor in Cognitive Sciencecomputational cognitive and social science, natural language and speech processing, Artificial IntelligenceEdoardo M. Ponti Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Natural Language Processingmodular deep learning, efficient architectures of language models, computational typology of languagePasquale Minervini Lecturer in Natural Language ProcessingNLP and ML. relational learning and learning from graph-structured data, solving knowledge-intensive tasks, hybrid neuro-symbolic models, compositional generalisation, designing data-efficient and robust deep learning modelsFrank Keller Professor and Personal Chair in Computational Cognitive ScienceNLP and cognitive science. language and vision tasks, such as image description, visual grounding, video summarization, visual story telling, computational narrativeHao Tang Lecturer in Speech Technologyspeech representations in NLP, data structures that speech systems use to solve tasks, Korin Richmond Reader in Speech Technologyhuman language and machine learning. articulatory modelling, speech synthesis and recognition, pronunciation modelling, machine learning in tracking shapes in ultrasound videos Back to the top Autonomous and Multi-Agent ML Systems Name TitleResearchMichael Rovatsos Professor and Personal Chair of Artificial Intelligenceethical AI: In a multiagent systems context, this mostly means creating mechanisms to elicit users' and stakeholders' views and translate them into concrete constraints and optimisation criteria for algorithms and design principles for algorithms.Barbara Webb Professor and Personal Chair in Bioroboticsperceptual systems for the control of behaviour, through building computational and physical (robot) models of the hypothesised mechanisms. insect behaviours. Sethu Vijayakumar Professor and Personal Chair in Roboticsbasic research in the fields of robotics, statistical machine learning, motor control, planning and optimization in autonomous systems and computational neuroscience, Valkyrie humanoid robot, science public outreach.Kobi Gal Reader in Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine IntelligenceHuman-in-the-loop Machine Learning, Human-Computer Decision-Making, Artificial Intelligence in Education and in Participatory Democracy, Ethical implications of the Human-in-the-Loop. Back to the top This article was published on 2024-12-04