The latest IPAB events. Unless otherwise stated, IPAB seminars/workshops occur at 13:00 on Thursdays, in the Informatics Forum.Workshops are informal talks by IPAB staff and students.Seminars usually feature external speakers. For related enquiries, please contact the institutes admin team at The Reinforcement Learning reading group meets regularly to discuss recent papers in the field. For updates, see mailing list and calendar.Upcoming IPAB events21/11/2024WorkshopKevin Denamganai05/12/2024WorkshopMohan Sridharan12/12/2024Workshop 09/01/2025Workshop 16/01/2025WorkshopFady Rezk / Cora Hummert23/01/2025WorkshopMichael Herrmann30/01/2025WorkshopEric Liu / Felix Ingham / Peize Li06/02/2025WorkshopMichael Mistry13/02/2025WorkshopRam Ramamoorthy20/02/2025WorkshopAditya Kamireddypalli / David Hanley27/02/2025WorkshopTianyi Fu / Juan Del Aguila Ferrandis / Andreas Sochopoulos06/03/2025WorkshopBarbara Webb13/03/2025WorkshopJianning Deng / Joao Moura20/03/2025WorkshopZhaoxing Deng / Longfei Chen27/03/2025WorkshopSteve Tonneau03/04/2025WorkshopZhipeng Du / Servinar Cheema / Aruna Raman10/04/2025WorkshopBob Fisher17/04/2025WorkshopZhaocheng Liu / Mohamed Sorour24/04/2025WorkshopXiaofeng Mao / Yanrong Wang01/05/2025WorkshopHakan Bilen08/05/2025WorkshopVictor Leve Usage Leve-Lin / Miaowei Wang / Bashayer Marghalani 15/05/2025WorkshopBruce Zhang / Forent Le Moel22/05/2025Workshop Amir Vaxman29/05/2025Workshop Jack Tsangou / Thomas Walker 05/06/2025WorkshopKale-Ab Tessara / Haocheng Yuan 12/06/2025WorkshopStefano Albrecht19/06/2025WorkshopYucheng Xu / Ruchika Chavan26/06/2025WorkshopMingjun Yang / Ankan Bhunia03/07/2025WorkshopChangjian Li10/07/2025WorkshopMarina Aoyama/ Jack Rome17/07/2025WorkshopMohsen Khadem24/07/2025WorkshopSethu Vijayakumar31/07/2025WorkshopRuyi Wang / Alexander Keros Past Events Past events from IPAB workshops This article was published on 2024-12-08