The Centre for AI for Assistive Autonomy, based in the School of Informatics, will develop a range of AI tools for autonomous systems that are person-centred and individually adapted to each individual user. Professor Subramanian Ramamoorthy was awarded the Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowship. The £6 million grant will establish a bold new research centre that will aim to put human experience at the heart of AI and robotics research. The full new article from School of Informatics can be read here: Ram Ramamoorthy to lead new Centre for AI for Assistive Autonomy | School of Informatics Image This funding will provide a unique opportunity to establish a new mission-driven research centre focussed on human-centred AI, providing a dynamic inter-disciplinary environment to tackle the challenges of assistive autonomy. Creating AI systems that can learn to collaborate effectively is key to unlocking the true potential of robotics. We will achieve this by bringing together innovations in human skill modelling and assessment, computational models informed by cognitive neuroscience, and automated decision making for shared autonomy. Professor Ram RamamoorthyPersonal Chair of Robot Learning and Autonomy, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh Related links Link to the story on the University of Edinburgh website Link to the story on the UKRI website Link to Ram’s personal website This article was published on 2024-12-08