
Members of IPAB.


Mohan Sridharan
Mohan SridharanKnowledge representation and reasoning, cognitive systems, and interactive learning in the context of human-robot and human-agent collaboration.                                                                                                                                        


Academic Staff

Stefano Albrecht
Stefano V. AlbrechtRobust sequential decision making by autonomous agents in complex dynamic environments. Deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, models of other agents (beliefs, goals, plans) in interactive decision making.
Hakan Bilen
Hakan BilenComputer vision, machine learning, deep learning, weakly supervised learning, multiple task learning, object recognition, action classification  
Leonora D'Arnese
Eleonora D'ArneseMedical Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Multi-modal and Multi-scale Image Analysis, Registration, Segmentation, and Classification
Bob Fisher photo
Bob FisherModel-based vision, 3D/range data interpretation and applications, video sequence analysis
Michael Herrmann photo
Michael HerrmannNeurorobotics, self-organisation of behaviour, prosthetic control, computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics
Hospedales photo
Timothy HospedalesComputer vision. Deep learning. Lifelong machine learning. Transfer and multi-task learning. Learning to Learn. Domain adaptation. Language and vision. Reinforcement Learning for control. Active Learning. Weakly supervised learning
Craig Innes
Craig InnesStatistical simulation and testing. Temporal logics for Cyber-Physical Systems. Neuro-Symbolic Learning for Robotics. Risk-Driven Design for Black-Box Models.




Mohsen KhademMedical Robotics, Image-guided Surgery, Continuum Robots, Dynamic Modeling and Simulation, Applications of Control Theory in Robotics
Changjian LiComputer Graphics, 3D Vision and Medical Image Processing: 3D Shape Creation and Analysis with applications in Sketch-based Modeling, Shape Reconstruction and Analysis from Point Clouds, and Medical Image Processing and Modeling.
Mistry photo
Michael Mistry
Dexterous motion, dynamics modelling, and control of physical interaction, for humans and robotic systems.
Ramamoorthy photo
Subramanian RamamoorthyRobot Learning for Decision Making under Uncertainty, Dexterous Manipulation and Control, Human-Robot Interaction, Physics-informed Machine Learning, Safe and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence   




Laura Sevilla-LaraComputer Vision, Motion Estimation, Temporal Modeling, Object Segmentation, Object Tracking, Deep Learning, Unsupervised Learning
Kartic Subr
Kartic SubrGraphics, Stochastic sampling, signal processing and image manipulation




Steve TonneauHumanoid/legged robotics; computer graphics; Motion planning; Optimal control
Amir Vaxman
Amir VaxmanGeometry processing, computer graphics, directional field processing, meshing, reconstruction in medical imaging, discrete differential geometry
Sethu photo
Sethu VijayakumarStatistical Machine Learning for Robotics; Planning, Optimisation and Adaptive Control for Anthropomorphic (Humanoid) Platforms; Computational Motor Control; Rehabilitation Robotics
Barbara Webb
Barbara WebbPerceptual systems for the control of behaviour, robot models of animals, simulation of neural circuits




Liang ZhaoReader in Robotics 

Honorary Staff

Michael Burke
Michael Burke                             Robot learning and control, specifically in the development of probabilistic machine learning and computer vision tools for robotics applications


Associate Academic Staff

Tim CollesMobile robot programming languages
Alex LascaridesComputational semantics, particularly discourse, conversation and gestures; learning strategies in complex games; learning to adapt to unforeseen possibilities
Oisin Mac AodhaMachine Learning, Computer Vision, and Computer-Assisted Teaching
Siddharth Narayanaswamy 
Kia NazarpourNeural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Machine Learning for Health
Austin TatePlanning and activity management, Human-robot collaboration, Emergency response, search and rescue
Chris WilliamsMachine learning and computer vision
David WillshawConstruction of networks of neurons and the computations performed by them

Research Staff

Alejandro BordalloAutonomous robotics, Motion Planning & Prediction, Human-Robot Interaction shaping




Longfei ChenHuman-computer Interaction, Egocentric Vision, Pattern Recognition, Statistical Learning




Kevin Denamgani 


Roman Goulard


David Hanley
David Hanley 




Cora Hummert 
Alexandros Keros
Alexandros Keros 


Daniel Layeghi




Robert Mitchell 






Florent Le Moel 




Mohammad Mohades KasaeiEfficient machine learning for robotics including deep reinforcement learning and computer vision.
Joao Moura


Joao Pousa de MouraContact-rich and non-prehensile manipulation, trajectory optimisation, model predictive control, and imitation learning.


Persie Rolley-Parnell






Mohamed Sorour 




Hefan Wang 


Zhenzhang Ye




PhD Research Students

Yurdusev Yakup Akan 
Rana Alkhoury-Maroun 
Ebtehal Alotaibi 
Titas AnciukeviciusGenerative Models, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics
Marina Aoyama 
Rohit Bharadwaj 
Ankan Bhunia 
Leonardo Castorina 
Ruchika Chavhan 
Servinar Cheema 
Thomas Corberes 
Jianning Deng 
Zhaoxing Deng 
Fangqiang Ding 
Hasra Dodampe Gamage 
Zhipeng Du 
Mhairi Dunion 
Raman Dutt 
Aditya Kamireddypalli 
Peter Fagan 
Elliot Fosong 
Tianyi Fu 
Samuel Garcin 
Xinyue Hao 
Leonard Hickeldey 
Felix Ingham 
George Kamaras 
Rafael Kourdis 
Victor Leve Usage Leve-lin 
Adam Li 
Gen Li 
Peize Li 
Eric Liu 
Zhaocheng Liu 
Emile MackuteMachine Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Surgical Robotics
Xiaofeng Mao 
Bashayer Marghalani 
Sean Memery 
Elle Miller 
Aruna Raman 
Fady Rezk 
Persie Rolley-Parnell 
Jack Rome 
Yue Ruan 
Adrian Salazar Gomez 
Andreas Sochopoulos 
Stefanie Speichert 
Raul Steleac 
Zhaole Sun 
Kale-Ab Tessera 
Nikolaos Tsagkas 
Jack Tsangou 
Isobel Voysey 
Thomas Walker 
Miaowei Wang 
Ruyi Wang 
Yanrong Wang 
Jordan Watts 
Yucheng Xu 
Haocheng Yuan 
Bruce Zhang 
Zhu Zheng 
Lei Zhong Vision, graphics, 3D human motion modeling and generation

Lab Manager

Saeid SamadiLab Manager

Field Trails Vehicle Engineer

Jim Duffin 

Research Software Engineer

Hector Cruz Gonzalez 

Administrative Staff

 Ruta Bader                                                                                                            Portfolio Manager
 Julie Laidlaw                                                                                                            Finance Administrator
 Andrew Macnaughtan                                                                                                            Institute Administrative Assistant
 Stephanie Smith                                                                                                            Institute Administrator 


Business Development

Cristian NovotnyBusiness Development Executive         


Technical Support

Garry EllardElectronic Technician
Douglas HowieTechnician
Gilbert InksterElectronic Technician



Anthony Ashbrook3D vision, statistical modelling of visual data, dynamic models
Richard Baldock 
Joanna BrysonAgent architectures and action selection for real and virtual robots
Helen HastieHead of School of Informatics 
John HallamBiorobotics, especially sensory biorobotic systems; user modelling in computer games;  computational neuroscience and machine learning
Margarita ChliComputer Vision for Robotics