Talos the 6-foot humanoid robot, the latest addition to our robotics research lab

[2020] The Statistical Machine Learning and Motor Control group are pleased to welcome Talos, a high performance robot standing at 1.75m tall, as the newest addition to the robotics research lab.


The SLMC group will be using Talos to conduct research on multi-contact loco-manipulation. Talos will help to validate some of the recent algorithmic advances in hierarchical long horizon motion planning, novel MPC techniques for hybrid problems such as foot step selection, contact optimisation and multi-objective trajectory optimisation as well as some sensory integration strategies for state estimation and localisation.

The team are particularly excited about the inverse dynamics controllers, torque based motion command capabilities and an extremely generous range of motion compared to other humanoid platforms. Their field robotics living lab is equipped with many complementary platforms, 2-axis large area hoist as well as some mock up navigation circuits including slopes and steps on which they intend to push the capabilities of Talos and co-develop further improvements in collaboration with PAL.

We are excited to push our research on biped loco manipulation and multi contact motion planning to the next level with this exciting new platform. Talos will also help us translate this research into domains such as assisted exoskeleton control and uneven terrain navigation. We will also use Talos as a means of engaging with the public through live demonstrations at the Edinburgh International Science Festival and appropriate STEM events, with the aim to inspire young minds to take up robotics and artificial intelligence as a career option.

Professor Sethu Vijayakumar
Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and Personal Chair in Robotics at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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Statistical Machine Learning and Motor Control group

Pal Robotics