Welcome to the Industry Engagement Portal, designed to gather project proposals from companies, government, and other public organisations interested in collaborating with our Master's students at the School of Informatics, who have a strong background in blockchain technology (e.g., after enrolling on our Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers course). Submit Your Project Proposal The portal aims to collect detailed project proposals from organisations considering engaging with our students on innovative and practical blockchain-related projects, or projects involving relevant technology, such as zero-knowledge protocols, secure multiparty computation protocols, decentralised identity, and others. Your submissions will help us identify opportunities for collaboration that can contribute to both educational and industry advancements.Project Criteria M.Sc. projects at Edinburgh are run on an annual basis. Project proposals are published in January, and student allocation is completed by March. Students primarily work on their projects from May to August. For a project to be suitable as an M.Sc. thesis topic, it should include an innovation, exploratory, or research component that requires the student to formalise the problem and its requirements, conduct a literature review, synthesise ideas and approaches from existing works, and invent new techniques as needed. The student should also develop a solution based on these ideas and perform an analysis to ensure the proposed solution meets the requirements posed by the problem.How to Access the Submission Form To ensure the security and exclusivity of submissions, accessing the form requires a password. Please email our Blockchain Programme Manager, Mojtaba Tefagh, at m.tefagh@ed.ac.uk to request the password needed to proceed. Submit Your Project Proposal This article was published on 2024-06-04