22 May 2019 - Paul Anderson Abstract I've been experimenting with "Adaptive Comparative Judgement" algorithms as a way of ranking "non-functional" aspects of student work (such as code readability) based on pair-wise comparisons by the students themselves. With mixed success! I'll talk about some of the results & welcome any feedback/comments/suggestions. May 22 2019 13.00 - 14.00 22 May 2019 - Paul Anderson Peer Marking with ACJ IF 3.02
22 May 2019 - Paul Anderson Abstract I've been experimenting with "Adaptive Comparative Judgement" algorithms as a way of ranking "non-functional" aspects of student work (such as code readability) based on pair-wise comparisons by the students themselves. With mixed success! I'll talk about some of the results & welcome any feedback/comments/suggestions. May 22 2019 13.00 - 14.00 22 May 2019 - Paul Anderson Peer Marking with ACJ IF 3.02