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MathSoMac: the social machine of mathematics 2018-2023 (Extension)
Two postdoctoral Research Associates posts available in Artificial Intelligence for Multiple Long-Term Conditions Programme
Proter open source software released
AAAI committee selects Nadin Kokciyan as a speaker for the AAAI New Faculty Highlights Program!
Explainable machine learning work with Natwest Group is discussed in the Scotsman
Data-Driven Innovation Fellowship awarded to Dr. Xiao Chen
Tracking Coronavirus Symptoms In Ghana Using Accessible Mobile Tech
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AIAI Seminar - 14 October 2024 - Dr Frank Wood
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AIAI Seminar -17 June-Talk by Patrick Kage, Magdalena Proszewska, Yifei Xie
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MathSoMac: the social machine of mathematics 2018-2023 (Extension)
Two postdoctoral Research Associates posts available in Artificial Intelligence for Multiple Long-Term Conditions Programme
Proter open source software released
AAAI committee selects Nadin Kokciyan as a speaker for the AAAI New Faculty Highlights Program!
Explainable machine learning work with Natwest Group is discussed in the Scotsman
Data-Driven Innovation Fellowship awarded to Dr. Xiao Chen
Tracking Coronavirus Symptoms In Ghana Using Accessible Mobile Tech
News archive
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Special issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents published in Artificial Intelligence
2020 EurAI Distinguished Service Award for Alan Bundy
Stefano Albrecht receives major grant from US Office of Naval Research
UK Multi-Agent Systems Symposium
Research Associate / Postdoctoral position in machine learning and knowledge representation at the University of Edinburgh
PhD Studentship in Preserving Privacy in an Online World
Congratulations to Kobi Gal
PhD Studentship in Workflow management meets the Internet of Things
PhD studentship in NLP and statistical relational learning
Postdoctoral research position in multi-agent systems
Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference 2020
CISA is changing its name
Best paper at DeLBP 2019
DigiFlow exhibited at Demofest 2019
Vaishak Belle takes up his post as the Royal Society University Research Fellow
Talk at Beyond-Symposium 2019
Best student paper award (long papers) : ILP 2019
CISA PhD candidate won a full scholarship from the CONICYT
CogRobo Seminar: Towards Tractable, Interpretable and Responsible AI
Seminar at IISC hosted by Vaishak Belle
Talk at the Skeptics on the Fringe, entitled Towards Interpretable and Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Another CISA PhD candidate wins a full scholarship from the CONICYT
Kobi Gal for winning 2019 Nesta Collective Intelligence grant
EPSRC IAA grant for AI for Credit Risk, including 2 RA positions
Talk at the Pint of Science on Automated Systems and their Impact
Invited at the the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Experiential AI
Alan Bundy's interview to appear in IJCAI 50th Anniversary Special Report
16-Month Post Doctoral Research Appointment in CISA, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
PhD Studentship in Workflow modelling and analysis of smart contracts
Alan Bundy has been nominated for the Best Supervisor Award.
PhD studentship in probabilistic property-based testing
Stefano Albercht speaking at the Honda Research Institute
Vaishak Belle spoke at the Cognitive Robotics Workshop
Vaishak Belle spoke on at the London Machine Learning Workshop
Stefano Albrecht awarded Royal Society Industry Fellowship
Vaishak Belle gave a tutorial at the ACAI 2018 Summer School
Jacques Fleuriot appointed as Associate Editor of AMAI
Chapter in the Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles by Jacques Fleuriot
Vaishak Belle presented a workshop at IJCAI-ECAI 2018 Workshop on Learning & Reasoning
Vaishak Belle was selected to become a member of RSE YAS
Vaishak Belle spoke at the 'The End of Privacy 1.0: Data Portability and Information Rights'
Vaishak Belle's AIJ Article Accepted
Stefano Albrecht is co-editor a Special Issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents
Vaishak Belle's paper accepted at IJCAI
Vaishak Belle's paper accepted at ICAPS
Stefano V. Albrecht will participate in a panel discussion on "Ethical Automation"
Vaishak Belle gave a seminar at Ben-Gurion University
Francisco J. Quesada Real' team awarded the second prize at the Open IoT Challenge
Jacques Fleuirot and Petros Papapanagiotou secure EIT Digital project
Juan Casanova has extended abstract accepted to ARW 2018
Vaishak Belle has paper accepted to AAMAS
Juan Casanova and Xue Li presenting at UKON 2018
Vaishak Belle awarded EPSRC First Grant
Jacques Fleuriot is Programme Committee Chair for AISC 2018
Jacques Fleuriot invited speaker at ADG 2018
Austin Tate visits colleagues in America
Paper accepted to IntelliSys 2018
New survey article published in Artificial Intelligence Journal
Alan Bundy invited speaker at AISC 2018
CISA Student Danai Korre contributor to EqualBITE
CISA-sponsored IWSG 2018 announces Keynote speakers
Huawei funding 12-month project
Special issue on Multiagent Interaction
Alan Bundy Keynote talk at Enabling Mathematical Cultures
Andriana Gkaniatsou wins best paper award at ISC 2017
Current vacancy within CISA
Vacant Position: Research Associate
Vaishak Belle invited talk and tutorial at Hybris-17
Two CISA Members announced as Turing Fellows
New Member of Staff: Stefano Albrecht
Xue Li Accepted poster at SICSA DemoFest
DARE: Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures
Alan Bundy wins Thoralf Skolem Award
Alan Bundy, invited talks this summer
Jacques Fleuriot invited to speak at the Isaac Newton Institute
Publication of a Special Issue celebrating 10 years of WORKS
Paper accepted at UAI 2017, Australia
Paper accepted at CADE-26
Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Edinburgh 2017
Vaishak Belle invited to talk at IJCAI 2017
Paper accepted at e-Health 2017
Three papers accepted at IJCAI
Best student paper award at ESWC 2017
Article accepted at ICWE 2017
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agents Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA)
Generalized Planning workshop at ICAPS-17
SKA-Link Kick-off Meeting
Amy Guy: Invited talk at W3C Technical Architecture Group developers' meetup, Tokyo
Amy Guy co-organising workshop at Extended Semantic Web Conference
The project Research for Emergency Aftershock Research (REAR)
Funded PhD studentship available
MATHsAiD: Automated Mathematical Theory Exploration
Two papers accepted at HEALTHINF 2017
Two new academic faculty positions in AI available!
Survey paper on Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows published
PhD positions on Knowledge Representation for Learning and Uncertainty
NERC Project funded
Two papers accepted at AAAI-17
Book Review: Preparing for the future of Artificial Intelligence
AAAI-17 Workshop on Symbolic Inference and Optimization
Scottish Theorem Proving Seminar
Linked Data Notifications is a W3C Candidate Recommendation
Paolo Pareti to give a seminar at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo
Paolo Pareti presenting poster and workshop paper
5 Years of Edinburgh MOOCs
Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations 2016
Sofia Ceppi presenting a paper at IJCAI 2016, New York
Daniel Raggi - PhD Viva
Participation in the Edinburgh International Science Festival
New paper at EKAW 2014 by Paolo Pareti, Ewan Klein and Adam Barker
ProofPeer: Collaborative Theorem Proving
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