Proter open source software released

Petros Papapanagiotou, James Vaughan, Filip Smola and Jacques Fleuriot have released their business process simulator "Proter" as open source.

Proter is a discrete event simulation library for workflows, written in Scala.  It is part of the group's WorkflowFM framework for formal workflow modelling and management and is available on GitHub:

It has recently been used in an industry setting as part of the DigiFlow project on the digitization and optimisation of manufacturing workflows.  Results from using Proter in DigiFlow are presented in the following paper and its associated video presentation at HICSS-54:

Papapanagiotou, Vaughan, Smola and Fleuriot, "A Real-world Case Study of Process and Data Driven Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing Workflows":

This is the first in a series of open source software releases that the group have planned.

Further information