Staff Alumni

Former AIAI staff


Staff member (A-Z) Where are they now?
Stuart Aitken The Medical Research Council at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Gail Anderson Cley Ltd
Ruth Aylett Professor, Heriot-Watt University
Ken Baird Retired
Howard Beck Diagonal
Diana Bental Heriot-Watt University
Pauline Berry SRI International
Nicola Bova Research Assistant, European Centre for Soft Computing
Tim Bradshaw Cley Ltd
Rebecca Carr Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management (ECCM), University of Edinburgh
Andrew Casson Pindar Set Ltd
Sofia Ceppi Senior Machine Learning Researcher,
Jessica Chen-Burger Professor, Heriot Watt University
Paul Chung Professor, Loughborough University
Ken Currie

Founding director of the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Director of Business Development, CAPDM

Jeff Dalton Retired
Roberto Desimone UK Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA)
Dimitrios Diochnos Postdoc, University of Virginia Department of Computer Science
Lucas Dixon Software Engineer, Google
Jim Doheny Logica
Brian Drabble Professor in Operations and Information Management, University of Bradford. Deceased
Mark Drummond NASA Ames Research Center, Founder of Time Dance, Electric Time and Wowd
Tim Duncan Spektra Systems
Ian Filby KPMG
Rosa Filgueira Data Architect, EPCC
John Fraser Retired
Michelle Galea External Projects Manager, Optos Plc
Adria Gascon Research Fellow, Alan Turing Institute
Adela Grando Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
Gudmond Grov Senior Scientist, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Ian Harrison Big Data Analytics Ltd
Natalie Honeyman Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Edinburgh
Jim Howe

Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh. Deceased.

Bert Hutchings Edinburgh Petroleum Services
Robert Inder Director, Interactive Information
Peter Jarvis Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Ken Johnson Retired
John Kingston Nottingham Trent University
Richard Kirby CAPDM
Iraklis Klampanos Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications
Terri Lydiard Standard Life
Ann Macintosh Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds
Ewen Maclean Research & Engineering, Aesthetic Integration
Paul Martin Researcher, University of Amsterdam
Donald Michie

Emeritus Professor, University of Edinburgh. Director, Turing Institute. Deceased.

David Montgomery University of Edinburgh Finance Directorate
Dave Murray-Rust Lecturer, Edinburgh College of Art
Gillian Mutch Open University
Gabriela Asli Rino Nesin Lecturer, University of Brighton
Steven Obua Recursive Mind
David Parry Retired
Alison Pease Lecturer, University of Dundee
Steve Polyak Encyclopedia Britannica, Vice President of Engineering at DigArtefact
Stephen Potter Healthcare Technology Researcher, Sheffield University
Robert Rae Retired. Deceased.
Jane Rankin University of Edinburgh
Peter Ross Emeritus Professor, Napier University
Phil Scott KTP Associate, Symphonic Software
Arthur Seaton Standard Life
Alan Smaill Retired
Julian Smart Anthemion Software
Jussi Stader Jumping Goats Dairy
Richard Tobin University of Edinburgh
Jonathan Tonbery Realise
Mike Uschold Boeing
Jano van Hemert Research Director, Optos Plc
Zhenyu Wen Research Assistant, School of Informatics
Richard Wheeler Starlab
Gerhard Wickler Business Consultant, Osthus GmbH
Paul Wilk CEO, AI Solutions Ltd
Daniel Winterstein Director, Winterwell Associates