An archive of CISA news items. Special issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents published in Artificial Intelligence Special issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents published in Artificial Intelligence Journal 2020 EurAI Distinguished Service Award for Alan Bundy 2020 EurAI Distinguished Service Award for Alan Bundy Stefano Albrecht receives major grant from US Office of Naval Research The project will develop new algorithms for explainable reasoning, learning, and interaction for ad-hoc multi-agent collaboration UK Multi-Agent Systems Symposium The first UK Multi-Agent Systems Symposium (UK-MAS) took place at the Alan Turing Institute in London Research Associate / Postdoctoral position in machine learning and knowledge representation at the University of Edinburgh A full-time post is available, fixed-term for one year PhD Studentship in Preserving Privacy in an Online World One fully-funded PhD position is available to work with Dr Nadin Kokciyan in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh on a project titled “Preserving Privacy in an Online World” Congratulations to Kobi Gal Congratulations to Kobi Gal for being elected as a Senior Member of AAAI in recognition of his achievements and long-standing efforts in the field of artificial intelligence. PhD Studentship in Workflow management meets the Internet of Things A fully funded PhD position is available to work with Dr. Petros Papapanagiotou. PhD studentship in NLP and statistical relational learning PhD studentship in NLP and statistical relational learning Deadline: 1st October 2019 Postdoctoral research position in multi-agent systems Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the project “Model Criticism in Multi-Agent Systems”, funded by the Turing Institute. Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference 2020 Nicholas Hoernle and Benjamin Clavie's publications are accepted to the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK-20). CISA is changing its name CISA is changing its name to the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI). Best paper at DeLBP 2019 Vaishak Belle and Brendan Juba's work chosen as a best paper. DigiFlow exhibited at Demofest 2019 Petros Papapanagiotou and Jacques Fleuriot exhibited their DigiFlow project at Demofest on 4 November 2019. Vaishak Belle takes up his post as the Royal Society University Research Fellow Vaishak Belle is one of 43 new Royal Society University Research Fellows (URFs) for 2019. He took up the post from the start of October. He will work on Efficient Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Logical Models. Talk at Beyond-Symposium 2019 Vaishak Belle gave a talk at the FUTURE DESIGN Symposium on the 27 - 29 September 2019 Best student paper award (long papers) : ILP 2019 Stefanie Speichert and Vaishak Belle receive an award at ILP 2019. CISA PhD candidate wins a full scholarship from the CONICYT Jorge Gaete (supervised by Jacques Fleuriot) has just won a 4-year full scholarship from the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) to study for his PhD in CISA. CogRobo Seminar: Towards Tractable, Interpretable and Responsible AI Vaishak Belle gave a seminar at the Sabancı University in Turkey on their recent work on interpretable and ethical AI. Seminar at IISC hosted by Vaishak Belle Vaishak Belle gave a seminar at the Indian Institute of Science on his recent work on interpretable and ethical AI. Talk at the Skeptics on the Fringe, entitled Towards Interpretable and Responsible Artificial Intelligence Dr Vaishak Belle - Towards Interpretable and Responsible Artificial Intelligence. 5th August Another CISA PhD candidate wins a full scholarship from the CONICYT Scholarship allocated to student for PhD study Kobi Gal for winning 2019 Nesta Collective Intelligence grant Congratulations to Kobi Gal for winning the 2019 Nesta Collective Intelligence grant. EPSRC IAA grant for AI for Credit Risk, including 2 RA positions Two RA positions between The School of Informatics and The Business School Talk at the Pint of Science on Automated Systems and their Impact Vaishak Belle gave a talk at the Pint of Science on Automated Systems and their Impact Invited at the the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Invited at the the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Experiential AI A new research agenda in which artists and scientists come together Alan Bundy's interview to appear in IJCAI 50th Anniversary Special Report Alan Bundy, past winner, being interviewed. Alan Bundy invited to speak at the 21st HUMAN-LIKE COMPUTING MACHINE INTELLIGENCE WORKSHOP (MI21-HLC) Alan's talk is entitled "Modelling Repairs to Virtual Bargaining with Reformation" 16-Month Post Doctoral Research Appointment in CISA, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh We are seeking a researcher to join the DARE project and develop a significant new strategy for enabling users to create, control and use Concepts, Methods, Data and Collections virtualised and mapped to heterogeneous, distributed e-Infrastructures. PhD Studentship in Workflow modelling and analysis of smart contracts The aim of the project is to research workflow-based methodologies and tools for the next generation of systems underlying machine-mediated collaboration within and across organisations. Alan Bundy nominated for the Best Supervisor Award Alan Bundy has been nominated for the Best Supervisor Award PhD studentship in probabilistic property-based testing The aim of the project is to explore the hypothesis that property-based testing (e.g. QuickCheck) is a form of probabilistic programming. Stefano Albrecht speaking at the Honda Research Institute Stefano Albrecht speaking at the Honda Research Institute. Vaishak Belle spoke at the Cognitive Robotics Workshop Vaishak Belle was invited to speak at the Mobile Autonome Systeme und Kognitive Robotik Vaishak Belle spoke on at the London Machine Learning Workshop Vaishak Belle spoke on 'Towards Interpretable and Responsible AI in Structured Worlds' Stefano Albrecht awarded Royal Society Industry Fellowship Stefano Albrecht awarded Royal Society Industry Fellowship Vaishak Belle gave a tutorial at the ACAI 2018 Summer School Vaishak Belle gave a tutorial at the Summer School on Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence. Jacques Fleuriot appointed as Associate Editor of AMAI Jacques Fleuriot appointed as Associate Editor of AMAI Chapter in the Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles by Jacques Fleuriot Chapter on Computer-assisted Theorem Proving in Synthetic Geometry Vaishak Belle presented a workshop at IJCAI-ECAI 2018 Workshop on Learning & Reasoning IJCAI-ECAI 2018 Workshop on Learning & Reasoning Vaishak Belle was selected to become a member of RSE YAS Vasihak Belle is thrilled to become a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Young Academy of Scotland. Vaishak Belle spoke at the 'The End of Privacy 1.0: Data Portability and Information Rights' Vaishak Belle spoke on 'explainability as a service'. Vaishak Belle's AIJ Article Accepted The article introduces a general logical framework for reasoning about discrete and continuous probabilistic models in dynamical domains. Special Issue on Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents Call for Papers Vaishak Belle's paper accepted at IJCAI Vaishak Belle's Paper has been accepted at the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vaishak Belle's paper accepted at ICAPS Vaishak Belle's paper accepted at The 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Stefano V. Albrecht will participate in a panel discussion on "Ethical Automation" Panel discussion at the Socitm President's Conference in Glasgow Vaishak Belle gave a seminar at Ben-Gurion University Vaishak Belle present at the seminar. Francisco J. Quesada Real's team awarded the second prize at the Open IoT Challenge The Open IoT Challenge Jacques Fleuriot and Petros Papapanagiotou secure EIT Digital project Digiflow – Digitizing Industrial Workflow, Monitoring and Optimization Juan Casanova has extended abstract accepted to ARW 2018 Automated Reasoning Workshop 2018 Vaishak Belle has paper accepted to AAMAS International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Juan Casanova and Xue Li presenting at UKON 2018 The Sixth UK Ontology Network Meeting Vaishak Belle awarded EPSRC First Grant Towards Explainable and Robust Statistical AI: A Symbolic Approach Jacques Fleuriot is Programme Committee Chair for AISC 2018 The 13th International Conference on Artificial intelligence and Symbolic Computation Jacques Fleuriot invited speaker at ADG 2018 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction in Geometry Austin Tate visits colleagues in America Austin travelled to IHMC and UCF in February 2018 Paper accepted to IntelliSys 2018 Authors, Kwabena Nuamah, Christopher Lucas and Alan Bundy New survey article published in Artificial Intelligence Journal Survey on autonomous agents modelling other agents Alan Bundy invited speaker at AISC 2018 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation CISA Student Danai Korre contributor to EqualBITE EqualBITE – A Recipe Book for Gender Equality in Higher Education CISA-sponsored IWSG 2018 announces Keynote speakers 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways taking place in Edinburgh 13-15 June 2018 Huawei funding 12-month project "A Query Answering Framework Using Functional Inferences Over Heterogeneous Data" starts on 1st February 2018 Special issue on Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination published A new special issue on Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination Alan Bundy Keynote talk at Enabling Mathematical Cultures Workshop taking place 5-7th December, University of Oxford Andriana Gkaniatsou wins best paper award at ISC 2017 Paper: Low-level Attacks in Bitcoin Wallet Current vacancy within CISA We currently have an open position in ML and AI Vacant Position: Research Associate We invite applications for a full-time fixed-term Research Associate on the DARE project Vaishak Belle invited talk and tutorial at Hybris-17 The tenth Hybris Workshop took place place on Nov 6th-7th 2017 at RWTH Aachen University, Germany Two CISA Members announced as Turing Fellows The Alan Turing Institute has announced a list of Turing Fellows, including Vaishak Belle and Ewan Klein of CISA. New Member of Staff: Stefano Albrecht CISA is delighted to welcome Stefano, our new Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence. Accepted poster at SICSA DemoFest CISA student Xue Li will be presenting her poster at DemoFest 2017 DARE: Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures The University of Edinburgh was awarded funding for the EU H2020 project DARE, which will deliver new methods and tools for data-powered collaborative research at extreme scales Alan Bundy wins Thoralf Skolem Award Alan Bundy’s paper “The Use of Explicit Plans to Guide Inductive Proofs” from CADE-9 won the Skolem award for most influential paper at this year’s CADE-26. Alan Bundy, invited talks this summer Alan has been invited speaker at several conferences over the summer. Jacques Fleuriot invited to speak at the Isaac Newton Institute This forms part of the Programme on Big Proof Publication of a Special Issue celebrating 10 years of WORKS FGCS has published our special issue celebrating the first 10 years of WORKS (WORKflows for Science) Paper accepted at UAI 2017, Australia The paper discusses how to handle nested functions and quantification in relational probabilistic graphical models Paper accepted at CADE-26 WorkflowFM: A logic-based framework for formal process specification and composition, by Petros Papapanagiotou and Jacques Fleuriot Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Edinburgh 2017 CISA sponsored conference, being held at School of Informatics Vaishak Belle invited to talk at IJCAI 2017 Unification of logic, probability and dynamics Paper accepted at e-Health 2017 Development of workflow-based guidelines for the care of burns in Scotland by Ailsa Dewanti, Petros Papapanagiotou, Charlotte Gilhooly, Jacques Fleuriot, Areti Manataki and Laura Moss Three papers accepted at IJCAI Conference held in Melbourne, Australia in August Best student paper award at ESWC 2017 The article Linked Data Notifications co-authored by CISA student Amy Guy was nominated for both "Best Research Paper" and "Best Student Paper" prizes at the 2017 Extended Semantic Web Conference, and was awarded the latter. Article accepted at ICWE 2017 Decentralised Authoring, Annotations and Notifications for a Read-Write Web with dokieli (Sarven Capadisli, Amy Guy, Ruben Verborgh, Christoph Lange, Sören Auer1, Tim Berners-Lee [1]) was accepted to the Applications track at the International Conference on Web Engineering. Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agents Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA) Sofia Ceppi organising workshop in conjunction with AAMAS 2017 Generalized Planning workshop at ICAPS-17 Workshop organised by Vaishak Belle SKA-Link Kick-off Meeting The DIR group was at the Spanish SKA-Link kick-off meeting in strength: Malcolm Atkinson, Rosa Filgueira, Amy Krause and Alessandro Spinuso. Amy Guy: Invited talk at W3C Technical Architecture Group developers' meetup, Tokyo Spoke to Japanese Web developers about the work being done in the W3C Social Web Working Group Amy Guy co-organising workshop at Extended Semantic Web Conference The workshop is co-located with ESWC2017, but by no means limited to Semantic Web researches or even Computer Scientists. We welcome participation from any discipline or field of expertise. We also don't necessarily expect participants to be directly working on tools for academic publishing, but perhaps are interested to discuss how parts of their work could be applied to this area. The project Research for Emergency Aftershock Research (REAR) Funded under the GCRF Building Resilience Scheme by NERC, ESRC, AHRC Funded PhD Studentship in Argumentation and Social Choice for Bridging Online Communities available! A full 3.5-year studentship including tuition fees and stipend is available for outstanding applicants to study toward a PhD at CISA MATHsAiD: Automated Mathematical Theory Exploration Paper accepted for publication in the journal Applied Intelligence, subject to minor revisions Two papers accepted at HEALTHINF 2017 These position papers showcase the diverse and impactful work that we do in applied artificial intelligence. Two new academic faculty positions in AI available! Exciting new opportunities to work with us in Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Collaboration! Survey paper on Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows published Chee Sun Liew, Malcolm P. Atkinson, Michelle Galea, Tan Fong Ang, Paul Martin and Jano I. van Hemert, Scientific Workflows: Moving Across Paradigms, ACM Comput. Surv. Vol 49, No. 4 pp 66:1-66:39 (December 2016) PhD positions on Knowledge Representation for Learning and Uncertainty Application deadline: March 2017 (**see below for more information**) NERC Project funded Informatics and GeoSciences have teamed up on a NERC-ESRC-AHRC funded GCRF Building Resilience project on Research for Emergency Aftershock Research (REAR) Two papers accepted at AAAI-17 These introduce (1) the use of symbolic representations in solving logical linear programs, and (2) an extension of weighted model counting for open universes (that is, unbounded domains). This article was published on 2024-11-22