The School of Informatics is located within the central campus, near George Square. If you are enrolled in one of our joint degrees, some of your classes might take place in Kings Buildings, a 25-minute walk from George Square. Building locations [scald=168:uoe_node_atom_full {"alt":"","caption":""}]Appleton Tower labs and other spaceLevels 3 to 9 of Appleton Tower have computer labs containing DICE desktop machines and network ports for Informatics students, tutorial rooms, and smaller study spaces.Appleton Tower access hoursThe Informatics lab space is available to all Informatics students from 08:00 - 20:00, 7 days a week, with swipe card access required to Appleton Tower and each of the levels within the building:Level 3 swipe access: 8am - 8pm Monday - SundayLevel 4 swipe access: 8am - 8pm Monday - SundayLevel 5 swipe access: 8am - 8pm Monday - SundayLevel 6 swipe access: 8am - 8pm Monday - SundayLevel 7 swipe access: 8am - 8pm Monday - SundayAppleton Tower desk availabilityThe Desktop and Friend Finder app helps you find a lab with free desktops. If you want to, you can share your location in the labs with friends, so you can find each other.Desktop and Friend Finder appList of rooms and facilities in Appleton TowerLocationSpacesMachinesAdditional informationLevel 33.014624Robotics Lab3.093636Computer/Practical Lab3.114 Open to students on robotics courses only, except during scheduled class bookings.Level 44.058 Quiet Study space4.078 Quiet Study space4.098 Study space4.123618Computer Lab4.14A134Quiet Study space/Tutorial Room4.14114Tutorial RoomLevel 55.0120 Tutorial Room5.01a1 Meeting Booth5.028 Quiet Study Space5.038 Group Study Space5.0442 Teaching Studio5.055252Computer Lab5.0715 Teaching Suite5.081212South Computer Lab (restricted access)Level 66.06102102Computer LabLevel 77.0120 Tutorial room7.021414Quiet Study space/Computer Lab7.03168InfBASE7.1418 Meeting/Tutorial RoomReporting issuesPlease refer to the page on technical and computing support for how to report computing and networking issues. Technical and Computing SupportIf you find any non-urgent problems with the building and you are logged into a DICE machine, please use the ITO internal support form and select "AT Building Maintenance" in the Enquiry/ITO section of the form.ITO internal contact formIf you find any non-urgent problems with the building and you are not logged into a DICE machine, please use the ITO external support form and select "ITO General Enquiry" in the Enquiry/ITO section of the form.ITO external contact formWhere do I get help in an emergency?If you are in a critical emergency, you should call 999 in the first instance for Police, Ambulance, or Fire services.The University has Security that is available 24/7 on the number: 0131 650 2257University SecurityFor non-emergency police service, call Police Scotland on: 101For non-emergency medical service, call NHS 24 on: 111 Fire Safety in Appleton TowerThe fire alarm is tested every Wednesday at 11am. No one is required to evacuate a building during a fire alarm test unless the sounders sound for more than 30 seconds. If the fire alarm goes off at any other time you must leave the building.Appleton Tower has two main stairs located in the east and west ends of the building, either of which can be used in the event of an emergency evacuation. The building has two emergency evacuation lifts, which can only be operated by trained personnel. After you leave the building, please gather in the assembly point, which is the car park towards Windmill Lane/40 George Square TowerInformation on fire safety in Informatics buildingsAppleton Tower, Level 9Level 9 of the Appleton Tower is for UG4/5 students from September to May and for MSc students from May to August. To gain access to Level 9, you will need to apply. Applications are open for UG4/5 around September and for MSc students around May. We inform UG4/5 and MSc students that applications are open by email. This article was published on 2024-12-08