Teaching staff

Information for new and current teaching staff

Information for current teaching staff exists in a number of places, including the old ITO website, which under review. Below are links for specific purposes.

Support for teaching and professional development

The Information Learning Technology Service website contains helpful information on supported technologies for your teaching.

Informatics Learning Technology Service

To help support your teaching and professional development, all teaching staff are encouraged to attend our regular "Teaching Hours" on a variety of teaching-related topics.  Computer Science Education Group website has information about forthcoming events; there is an archive of recordings of some older events.

Forthcoming Teaching Hour Events

Teaching Hour Archive

Course organisation

Information for course organisers about teaching planning and on-course administration is being moved to the Intranet section of the School of Informatics Sharepoint Hub.

Informatics Teaching Organisation Sharepoint (on-course administration)

The old Informatics Teaching Organisation site contains some helpful information for course organisers.

 Information for Informatics teaching staff

Teaching support is the term for postgraduate and undergraduate tutors, demonstrators and teaching assistants who are employed to help teach on courses.

Information for staff on the teaching support process

Curriculum approval

Board of Studies is responsible for curriculum approval, including all individual taught courses, MOOCs, non-credit bearing CPD courses and the undergraduate, taught postgraduate, and research postgraduate degree programmes.

Board of Studies Committee

Teaching policy and delivery

Teaching Committee provides a forum in which all members of staff, particularly those with teaching admin duties, can advise on teaching policy and delivery of taught courses, and monitor activity within these courses.

Teaching Committee