All students have access to numerous University-wide services: Careers services, Wellbeing services, Disability and Learning Support service, Student Counselling and the Institute for Academic Development Disability & Learning SupportThe University Disability & Learning Support Service supports students with a range of disabilities, neurodiverse conditions, physical and mental health issues. The team offers support based on your individual needs and how your disability, learning difference or health condition affects your studies.We recommend that you contact the Student Disability & Learning Support Service and arrange to meet with an Adviser. You should contact the Student Disability & Learning Support Service even if you have already notified the University of a disability in your application.The Disability & Learning Support Service will assess your needs and agree a "Schedule of Adjustments" with you to help with your studies. Your Schedule of Adjustments will be made available to Course Organisers and the Teaching Organisation so that relevant adjustments can be made.Disability & Learning Support ServiceIf you have any questions about the implementation of your adjustments please contact the Coordinator of AdjustmentsCoordinator of AdjustmentsBuildings: Guides to accessCareers support for Informatics studentsThe Careers Service is based on the 3rd floor of the Main Library Building in George Square and are open throughout the year, including vacation. They offer appointments which are available for you to discuss any career issues and you can book these via MyCareerHub.The Careers ServiceA wide range of part time jobs, internships and graduate jobs are advertised on MyCareerHub and you can also find out when careers workshops, talks, employer presentations and careers fairs are taking place.MyCareerHub Wellbeing ServicesThe University has the following services and resources to look after your wellbeing:Student Counselling ServiceThe ChaplaincyThe Advice PlaceWellbeing Services Institute for Academic Development (IAD)IAD offers study skills workshops, self-study learning resources, and advice to help you succeed in your studies.IAD - Undergraduate StudentsIAD - MSc Students This article was published on 2024-12-08