Quantum Informatics

Course options and guidance for the Quantum Informatics topic area

What will I learn from courses in this topic?

The use of quantum systems to carry and manipulate information brings new, unprecedented, possibilities. In recent times, our ability to control quantum systems with great accuracy has transformed the prospect of quantum technologies, from a theoretical endeavour to a practical reality. Big IT companies are investing large in the field, while numerous start-ups with specific focus on quantum have been created, and an increasing number of applications of these new technologies are being developed. In short, quantum technologies will arguably shape the future of the theory and practice of computer science.

The primary aim of the Quantum Informatics courses is to introduce students to quantum information and how this is used for computing and communicating. The objective of the courses is to consolidate a good basis for understanding these new emerging technologies. The topic is suitable both for students who wish to continue in the field (PhD/academia or industry) and for those who have a general interest in the development of a field that will arguably play a significant role in the future. The courses offered cover both a general introduction, and an exposition to more focused directions, including the foundations of the field and applications such as those in cyber security.

What background is typically needed?

The courses assume a good background in mathematics, and specifically in linear algebra and probability theory. Having successfully passed such courses (offered at Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or Engineering 1st and 2nd year programmes) is important. No prior knowledge of quantum or physics is required, since all the relevant material is introduced from the start. Understanding basic theoretical computer science concepts could help but is not essential.

What courses are available?

Courses in the School of Informatics

Level 10 courses

Semester 1:

Level 11 (MSc) courses

Semester 2:

Courses in the School of Mathematics

Level 11 (MSc) courses                                                                                                                                                   

Courses in the School of Physics and Astronomy

Level 10 courses     

Semester 2:

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