Information about IRR, IPP, and the MSc Dissertation Except where noted below, the courses as described on this page are compulsory for the following degrees:Artificial IntelligenceCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceCyber Security, Privacy and TrustData ScienceInformaticsInformatics Research ReviewThis 10-credit course is compulsory for all of the above degrees except the MSc in Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust and the MSc in Cognitive Science.Informatics Research Review course descriptorInformatics Project ProposalThis 10-credit course provides support for your Dissertation project proposal. You will do some background reading related to your project and further define the specific goals and timeline of your project, often by completing some preliminary tasks.Informatics Project proposal course descriptor MSc Dissertation (Informatics)Your dissertation is 60 credits, completed over the summer. Supervisors normally propose potential projects by early January, and the project allocation process happens early in Semester 2. You will be able to express your preferences for a project, and you will normally get one of your top few choices, but we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to any particular project or supervisor.MSc Dissertation course descriptor This article was published on 2024-12-08