Your student adviser and student support team is your first point of contact for routine advice and guidance on administrative and pastoral matters. In the event of an emergency or crisis the following sources of help are available. Where do I get help in an emergency?If you are in a critical emergency, you should call 999 in the first instance for Police, Ambulance, or Fire services.The University has Security that is available 24/7 on the number: 0131 650 2257University SecurityFor non-emergency police service, call Police Scotland on: 101For non-emergency medical service, call NHS 24 on: 111 Support in a crisisThe University has links to help you find support for the following:Mental health crisisVictim of a crime Sexual violence, harassment, abuse and gender based violenceAccommodation issuesRacial harassment and hate crimeSupport in a crisis This article was published on 2024-12-08