Information on computing support for students in the School of Informatics Computing facilities are managed by University Information Services and Informatics Computing Support.Learn about our computing facilitiesIf you're new to the School, we encourage you to work through this very short course to help you discover the computing facilities available to you, and to introduce you to the basics of Linux.Introduction to Informatics Computing CourseUniversity Information ServicesUniversity Information Services (IS) manage most of the computing systems you depend on.University Information Services WebsiteFor individual help on access, email, wireless, VPN, teaching tools such as Learn and Collaborate, and Microsoft tools such as Office 365, contact the central University's IS support helpline. Contact the University IS helplineInformatics Computing SupportInformatics Computing Support manage the School of Informatics Linux computing environment, called DICE (short for Distributed Informatics Computing Environment), including the computers in Informatics computing labs in Appleton Tower. Information on our local IT systems and services is available on our Computing Help site.Computing Help siteFor issues related to our local teaching environment (called DICE), local DICE accounts and remote access, contact the Informatics Computing team.Contact the Computing Support team This article was published on 2024-12-08