Information about studying abroad for year 2 students The University of Edinburgh is involved in a number of international exchange schemes, details of which can be found from the Student Exchanges page of the Edinburgh Global website. There are basically two categories, "University-wide exchanges" and "Subject-specific exchanges". Students who wish to take an optional year abroad programme in Year 3 need to apply online in Year 2. Online application for study abroad in 2025/2026 will be open between 30 October and 13 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT).University-wide exchangesThe University has student exchange agreements with universities all over the world, including universities in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea, Singapore, Mexico, Argentina and Chile. Subject-specific exchangesThe School has student exchange agreements with universities in Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and USA. Credit transferStudents spending a year abroad are expected to take courses that correspond reasonably closely to the courses they would have taken in Edinburgh, both in terms of content and credit weighting (e.g. 60 European Credit Transfer Scheme points correspond to 120 University of Edinburgh points). Because of the difficulty of mapping an overseas mark to an Edinburgh mark, the Senatus has ruled that students will be allocated the appropriate credits for the period spent abroad but that these will be zero-weighted in terms of the final degree classification (unless the period abroad is a requirement of the course). So for students of four-year degree programmes in Informatics who spend their third year abroad, their degree results will be based on their final year marks only. Further InformationInformation and FAQ for Informatics students (restricted access)Benefits of going on exchange (Edinburgh Global Website)Exchange Coordinator - If you have any queries regarding studying abroad please contact the Informatics Exchange Coordinator, Don Sannella. This article was published on 2024-12-08