The School of Informatics has made funds available to support students’ travel to attend activities related to their programme of study. A School of Informatics committee with staff and student membership will decide on awards, ranking applications that benefit only the individual travelling against those where the School or cohort will benefit. Likewise events that have competitive entry will be reviewed more favourably than those that any individual could choose to attend. Claims for payment must be supported by receipts. Total claim can include travel and accommodation but not subsistence costs. Destinations have maximum eligible awards. Travel within:UK: £100Europe: £250Rest of the world: £500Applications should be submitted by the end of Semester 2 and should describe the purpose of the trip and evidence the impact on the wider student community or the prestige of the event in around 250 words. The panel can only review submitted information; it will not seek clarification from applicants to provide further supporting information.In order to maximise the fund to support the most number of students, the committee retains the right to make partial awards that may cover only travel or accommodation. The committee may choose to support more than one student partially rather than fully fund one trip. Where appropriate, the committee may choose to allow for funds to be distributed to any costs associated with attending an event, e.g. registration fee.Students should not commit financially to an event on the assumption that any or all of the costs will be reimbursed by this fund.Events that are scheduled during the semester that require students missing scheduled teaching and learning activities are unlikely to be supported.Current academic year calendarApply now This article was published on 2024-12-08