All you need to know about the academic side of your studies: courses, teaching, assessments, extensions, interruptions and withdrawals. Degree overview All of our programmes start with a common core of mathematics courses and informatics courses, with increasing options for specialisation in later years depending on your interests. Common Marking Scheme The University of Edinburgh uses a Common Marking Scheme (CMS) for taught student assessment. The below lays out the interpretation of the general scheme in the context of the School of Informatics, without changing the basic principles. Student course feedback To help our students make decisions about their course choice, we publish recent results of the end-of-course student surveys. Use of semester time and coursework deadlines School guidance for staff for scheduling teaching delivery and coursework submission deadlines. Assessment: Coursework, exams & feedback An overview of assessment, including coursework, exams & feedback. Late coursework & extension requests Advice on what to do if you think you may miss a coursework deadline, and the School of Informatics policy on coursework deadlines, which applies across all taught courses. Exceptional circumstances Information about the exceptional circumstances process Interruptions Authorised Interruption of Studies. Transfers Information for students wanting to transfer their degree programme Withdrawals More information about the steps to follow in case of withdrawal from your studies. Progression guidance Information about progression to the next year of study. Release of degree programme and progression results Information on when you will get your results. This article was published on 2024-12-08