Information on when you will get your results. The following dates are the University deadlines for publication of results. All Schools will have published results to students by these dates, though some may be earlier:Key datesHow will I find out my results?All marks are provisional until they are ratified by the relevant Board of Examiners.Progression resultsAn automated email will be sent to your University email account when the progression decision is available. This email will contain a link to the page where the progression decision and further information can be viewed.Final Degree AwardsAn automated email will be sent to your University email account when the final result is available. This email will contain a link to the page where the final result can be viewed. This will be the sole route for release of results. Further informationFor information on how the final results of your courses and overall degree programme are determined, please see the assessment decisions page.For information on how your degree classification is calculated and guidance about progression decisions, please see the progression guidance page.If you have questions concerning the release of your results or need to talk to someone about your results please contact your Student Adviser in the first instance. If you are unable to speak to your Student Adviser please contact the Student Support team: note that Board of Examiners have discretion within certain boundaries; details are available in the Taught Assessment Regulations. General regulations and degree programme information can be found in the University Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study. This article was published on 2024-12-08