Courses by Topic

Courses available in the MSc degree programmes, arranged by topic.

Information about IRR, IPP, and the MSc Dissertation

Information about the programming courses we offer and whether you should take one

Course options and guidance for the Entrepreneurship and other outside courses

Course options and guidance for the Bioinformatics, Systems and Synthetic Biology topic area

Course options and guidance for the Cognitive Science and Neuroinformatics topic area

Course options and guidance for the Computer Systems and High-Performance Computing topic area

Course options and guidance for the Computation in Social Systems topic area

Course options and guidance for Cyber security and privacy

Course options and guidance for the Databases and Data Management topic area

Course options and guidance for the Formal Methods topic area

Course options and guidance for the Human-Computer Interaction and Design topic

Course options and guidance for the Machine Learning topic area

Course options and guidance for the Natural Language Processing topic area.

Course options and guidance for the Programming Languages topic area

Course options and guidance for the Quantum Informatics topic area

Course options and guidance for the Software Engineering topic area

Course options and guidance for the Theoretical Computer Science topic area

Course options and guidance for the Vision, Robotics and Autonomous Agents topic area