Student representatives

Information on what student representatives do and who they are.

Student representatives

Information on what student representatives do and who they are.

Class representatives

For each year of study in Informatics there are up to four class reps. These are students are chosen at the beginning of the year and usually represent a diverse mix of student programmes, such as different degrees or single/combined honours study.

If you have an issue or concern about the organization or content of your year (including issues with specific courses that you don't feel comfortable approaching the lecturer about directly), then you can contact a class rep who can raise the issue with the relevant teaching staff or ITO.

Class reps participate in regular Staff-Student Rep (SSR) meetings with the Director and Deputy Director of Teaching throughout semester.

Informatics staff and student representative meeting

They are also part of the Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) for the year, which meets with the Year Organiser.

If you have a question or suggestion which goes beyond an individual course, affects the whole year, or which has not been addressed by your course rep or lecturer, then please contact the class reps for your year. Once available for 2024/25 details will be added below:

School representatives

Each year students elect three school reps — two undergraduate, one postgraduate — to the Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) and who sit on the EUSA Academic Council. The Student Councils work to improve the student experience at Edinburgh, and campaign on issues students care about.

If you have an issue which relates to the whole school, activities beyond Informatics, or would like to know more about EUSA activities, please contact your school reps:

School Representatives

TBC 2024/25


Postgraduate School Represenative

TBC 2024/25

You can send mail to all the student reps together at

Interested in being a representative?

The point of Student Reps are to ensure the University is continually listening and engaging with students to improve teaching, learning, assessment and academic services. They are a link between students and staff at course and school level. To be a Rep a student must be doing a degree belonging to the School of Informatics. The task should not take more than 2 hours per week during semester times. Students can apply to be a class rep for their year, or as a school rep for Informatics. To become a class rep volunteer at the introductory lecture for the year or email the year organiser;  EUSA organises the election of school reps before the summer exam diet for the following academic year, see the EUSA webpages.


  • Attend appropriate training sessions offered by EUSA.
  • Proactively gather student feedback, complaints, comments and suggestions on all aspects of courses and/or year they are reps for: which includes course content, course delivery, course administration, tutorials, practicals and course work.
  • Respond to feedback requests from School on specific issues such as the Student Adviser scheme and Student Adviser group meetings.
  • Alert relevant staff (course teacher, course organiser or ITO) to any issues that may have current impact.
  • Attend a weekly one hour meeting during semester; provide feedback and engage in pertinent discussions. On any given week this might be with DoT+ITO, year SSLC, or EUSA training.
  • Eligible to be selected as a member of Board of Studies or Teaching Committee.
  • For School Reps attend Academic Council.


  • An identifiable person within their peer group.
  • Useful to personal development.
  • Free EUSA monthly lunches for Reps.
  • Contacts with teachers and ITO staff.
  • A task to be mentioned on their CV.
  • A task that will appear on their Hear transcript.

Related links

Privacy Statement

Informatics staff and student representative meetings blog

Edinburgh University Students' Association

EUSA information about class reps and school reps

EUSA Student Councils